Grilling up a quick, delicious dinner doesn't get any easier when you start with Market Pantry™ pre-seasoned chicken breasts. Once thawed, they go right...
Black Beans and Rice is the perfect family side dish. It's fast and affordable, and everyone loves the taste. A black bean and rice dish is more than satisfying,...
Tex-Mex perfection for everyone! Fajitas are fun for everyone. Enjoy this Tex-Mex recipe at home--throw a fajita party where your friends and family build...
Ready in minutes, this toffee takes all the guesswork out of candy making, and is by far the most requested holiday treat I make. My family won't let me...
Fast, easy, and delicious. All the flavor of the heavy cream classic but dairy free. A splash of balsamic vinegar and a few toasted almonds crank this...
Be warned: According to readers, if you serve this delectable treat as a birthday cake, you'll be starting a tradition. One that's going to be tough to...
In this easy recipe for entertaining, crispy-skin chicken thighs roast atop a heady combo of Spanish-style rice emboldened with smoked paprika and mixed...
This fun, refreshing cocktail puts a fresh berry twist on the classic mojito. It combines silver rum and raspberry vodka with fresh berries, lime juice,...
Whip up a lovely pink lemonade pie topped with pink-tinted coconut with just a few simple pantry ingredients. This chilled pie makes a perfect summertime...
Whether for a special occasion or a weeknight dessert, our Marsala-poached pears are delectable served warm with a bit of ice cream or whipped cream. Easier...
Without embellishment, this dense, moist, gluten-free cake is a perfect snack to serve with coffee. With the addition of whipped cream, chocolate sauce,...
A classic egg salad sandwich hits the spot on many occasions. You can serve it on your favourite sliced bread or buns, toasted or plain. It's always a...
Fresh veggies, shrimp and pasta make this one-dish meal a busy cook's dream! Neutral soybean oil lets the fresh flavors take center stage. Serve and enjoy,...
This beautiful tall cake is moist and tender. Sometimes called Red Velvet Cake, this classic cake not only tastes delicious, but adds great flair to a...
Covering meat with aluminum foil after removing from the grill keeps the surface from cooling off too fast while it stands. The standing time helps it...
Looks fancy, but is easy to make? Sign us up. This dessert - a genius way to use old buns or rolls - is jazzed up with white chocolate and cherries is...
Grill up summertime's favorite snack: s'mores! Kids will love how great grilled s'mores taste, and adults will love how easy they are to make and clean...
This one-pot supper sports big flavors. Sauteed ground beef is stirred into shell pasta with a cheesy sauce and Pace® Chunky Salsa. Garnish with chopped...