This Cranberry Frangipane Tart is an easy and elegant holiday dessert that tastes as great as it looks! It's made with tart cranberries and creamy almond...
This easy vegan no-bake Blackberry Tart comes together in only 10 minutes and is so delicious! It's made from a simple no-bake cookie crust and creamy...
While these mixed citrus tarts bake, the semolina flour in the frangipane absorbs the juices and turns into a slightly puffed, airy layer surrounded by...
This amazing fresh fruit tart recipe is an easy vegan no-bake tart made of simple cookie crust with creamy fruit mousse filling! It is super delicious,...
This berry crostata recipe is adapted from The pastry and the custard are cooked separately, and the crostata is assembled once...
We've got the best dessert recipes for everyone. At Woman's Day you are sure to find a variety of ways to turn ordinary food into extraordinary desserts...