This stuffing has lots of flavor and is nice and moist. You can also change the ingredients to your liking. I quadruple this recipe and make the extra...
This Thanksgiving stuffing is fantastic! It is very flavorful and fresh-tasting. This recipe will stuff a 10-pound turkey (which serves six) plus extra....
My mother passed this recipe on to her daughters as it was passed on to her from her mother. It is a delicious alternative to traditional bread stuffing,...
This is my must-have recipe for Thanksgiving, passed down to me by my grandmother. These delicious stuffing balls are crispy on the outside and soft on...
This stuffing has lots of flavor and is nice and moist. You can also change the ingredients to your liking. I quadruple this recipe and make the extra...
This hack on boxed stuffing is so easy but so good that your guests will think you made it from scratch! Ground sausage with sage adds an especially nice...
Freshly toasted Italian bread crumbs, two incredibly rich sausages, and so unbelievably moist, it will surely impress your guests for the big feast this...
This is an old family recipe. If you like wild rice, try this with your turkey! You won't be disappointed! (This recipe will stuff a 12 lb. bird. Can be...
This is a seafood stuffing that has been in my family for a while. We have never actually stuffed the bird with this to avoid the turkey having a 'fishy'...
This stuffing recipe has been in my family for decades. How can you go wrong with bacon? Whether it be baked in muffins tins or right inside the turkey,...
Delicious and super simple to make! This is the stuffing to make if you're looking for simplicity in your stuffing. You can use either fresh or stale bread...
This is a family heirloom recipe passed down from my great grandmother, Ollie Joe Standard, who got it from her mother, and so on and so on. Most people...
My mom passed this recipe down to me before she passed away. I have had this dressing since I was a child, and to me it is the best I have ever tasted....
This is a simple make ahead recipe and it freezes well. Use for stuffing turkey, chicken, pork loin chops or bake in a casserole dish. Read through the...
I have been making this dressing, minus the sausage, for over 30 years. This year I tried it with Jimmy DeanĀ® pork sausage. The whole family just loved...
I have had this stuffing every Thanksgiving my entire life (26 years, that's a lot of stuffing!), it is truly a family tradition. Trust me, this is the...
This old-fashioned dressing is a great side dish for the Thanksgiving or alongside roast chicken. Made with saltine crackers, celery, onions, and herbs,...
Savory stuffing, a classic, and enough for an 8- to 12-pound turkey. Can also be doubled. Also excellent to make in advance and refrigerate until it's...
This recipe was given to me by a friend, and it has been a family tradition ever since. No need to stuff the turkey. This dressing can be made the day...
NO bread, NO oysters, NO sausage, NO Eggs, NO Giblets. Simply the best cornbread stuffing you will ever put in your mouth. This is one of those 'secret'...
This is my mother-in-law's recipe for traditional bread stuffing. Bread, pork and seasonings blend to create a perfect filling for the holiday bird. Use...
Your grandma ain't got no shake on this! Join the click! I know...poppy seeds?! It does, however, make for a visually-stunning dish! You can make this...
Essentially, this is a rice pilaf that I have modified ever-so-slightly to be used as a stuffing for a small roasting chicken. The type of nuts, mushroom,...
Breaded chicken breasts are baked with a simple apple and bread stuffing for an easy one dish meal. Get cozy with this holiday-inspired meal anytime of...