This is a very healthy, vegetarian main course with lots of protein from the chickpeas and quinoa. The flavors in this recipe are a blend of Persian and...
Green bell peppers are filled with ground bison, cooked brown rice, tomato sauce, and seasonings, then baked for an hour with additional tomato sauce and...
This is an absolutely delicious vegetarian pepper recipe that is packed with nutrients! I love to make a big batch on Sunday, freeze some for easy and...
Here's a delicious stuffed pepper recipe that's easy to make. Each green bell pepper contains ground beef, onion, tomatoes, rice and cheese, and is cooked...
Roasted buckwheat makes these vegan stuffed peppers a hearty-tasting dish! Gluten-free, dairy-free, vegetarian, and vegan. Serve with hot spaghetti sauce,...
This is my favorite version of stuffed peppers and super easy! Stuffing with chicken, cheese, and cilantro makes the peppers very flavorful and fun! I...
Orange bell peppers are stuffed with a mixture of ground turkey, onion, tomatoes, rice, and cheese. Make it an appetizer with mini bell peppers to serve...
Millet, black beans and tomatoes are stuffed into pepper shells, and then baked in the microwave oven. These vegetarian stuffed peppers are easy to make...
Bell peppers stuffed with hashbrowns, ground beef, green beans, and cheese. My apartment-mate and I invented this recipe while drinking beer and 'reminiscing'...
This recipe includes the best parts of a stir-fry bowl, but inside of a grilled bell pepper! Fresh vegetables sauteed quickly, mixed with your favorite...
These flavorful vegetarian stuffed peppers will fool even your biggest meat eater! The peppers are filled with Impossible™ burger, tomatoes, seasonings,...
Millet is rich in B vitamins, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, and contain no gluten. In this recipe, rice is substituted with millet and the...
With two picky eaters who LOVE sloppy joes and an overabundance of green peppers from my garden, I came up with this family favorite that also incorporates...
Fajita chicken-stuffed peppers. I am personally not a fan of beef-stuffed peppers so after some experimentation I came up with this! Serve with your favorite...
These are slow-cooked stuffed peppers. Red or yellow bell peppers can be used instead of green. Italian diced tomatoes can be used in place of fire-roasted...
Ninety-four percent of all stuffed peppers are made because there's leftover rice around. You can adjust this recipe in lots of different places: the herbs,...
Green bell peppers stuffed with a mixture of rice, textured vegetable protein, cheese and tomato sauce. Omit the cheese for a vegan variation. Serve with...
Momma's Peppers...Whenever my mother prepares this Stuffed Bell Pepper dish, everyone in the family finds an excuse to 'drop by' for a visit to my parents'...
I'm not a big fan of traditional stuffed peppers, so I make mine Mexican-style! This dish was inspired by the Mexican seven-layer dip. I love to make them...
This is my favorite baked pepper recipe that is keto and quick to put together. The bell peppers are stuffed with store-bought meat and tomato sauce, mozzarella,...
An old family recipe for classic comfort food passed down to me by my mom. Green peppers are stuffed with a mixture of ground beef and rice then smothered...
This is my favorite version of stuffed peppers and super easy! Stuffing with chicken, cheese, and cilantro makes the peppers very flavorful and fun! I...
This healthier stuffed peppers recipe uses an assortment of colored peppers, lean ground beef, brown rice, fresh onion and garlic, and natural tomato sauce....
This microwave recipe is quick and very simple, and is a good meal for a busy work week. You can use any color peppers you like. Try using garbanzos instead...
Bell peppers are stuffed with a spicy blend of chorizo, onions, garlic, fresh herbs, Worcestershire, three kinds of cheese, and rice. If you have a taste...
Here's a delicious stuffed pepper recipe that's easy to make. Each green bell pepper contains ground beef, onion, tomatoes, rice and cheese, and is cooked...
This recipe is a combination of a recipe I found online, my sister's recipe, and my mother's recipe. They all had things I loved about them that I combined...