Below are two different ways to make this delicious caramel spread: One is more classic-cooking down milk and sugar-but it requires a fair amount of attention...
Bread Pudding with Spiced Rum Sauce "During a visit to Biloxi, Mississippi, I had dinner at The Seafood Buffet in the Grand Casino," Brenda Hill of Ann...
At Shubox Cafe, this dessert is known as Awesome Coconut Cake, aptly named by one of the cafe's best customers. To make this recipe, you'll need to buy...
Of all the ways to prepare shrimp, the grill delivers the best flavor. Although unadorned "shrimp on the barbie" are great, an easily assembled gingery...
This farmhouse-style recipe relies on store-bought stuffing cubes enhanced with a flurry of dried and fresh herbs. Bake it in a casserole dish, or stuff...
An easy Lemon Risotto recipe. Lemon juice and peel offer a double punch of flavor in this delicious dish. Serve the risotto Italian-style as a first course,...
This thick, glossy sauce makes chocolate syrup taste ho-hum. It's wonderful on the Frozen Chocolate Caramel Parfaits or poured over any flavor of ice cream...
When it comes to Scalloped Potatoes with Three Cheeses, Rick Rodgers, cookbook author and teacher, says, "I've always thought of mashed potatoes as an...
New York strip loin, also called top loin of beef, is a succulent, elegant roast. If you want a lot of leftovers (they are great for sandwiches), use a...
Though pierogies are a classic Polish dish, food editor Paul Grimes had them every Easter at his Russian grandmother's house. Pierogies are satisfyingly...
This is an incredibly dark, very moist cake - a serious chocolate lovers' cake. It is so chocolatey that I like it with a fluffy white icing like the Italian...
Sautéing is another fast way to make a meal, especially when the pan juices are turned into a sweet and savory sauce, as they are here. This comforting...
This Russian dish has been around for several centuries, but it wasn't until the fifties that it became all the rage in the United States (despite our...
Letting the dough do its first rise in the fridge overnight means improved flavor and ease of handling, but if you don't feel like waiting that long, leave...