The flavor of the peppers come through, but the cheese and bacon put some of the fire out. I believe the "tenderfoot" would even like these. I have even...
I have won many BBQ competitions with this recipe. They are outstanding in a smoker but, can also be done in the oven or on a grill. If you cook them in...
While browsing for a pasta salad recipe, I found Inez Willenborg's Homestyle Macaroni Salad. It sounded good, but I didn't have all the ingredients, so...
Mmmmm....zucchini and cucumber marinated in an oil and balsamic vinegar dressing kicked up with olives, cherry tomatoes and dijon mustard! Adapted from...
When I was in college, I worked at Pappasito's as a waitress. I LOVED their brochette shrimp and I asked the cook for the recipe. He didn't give me the...
This is a very authentic New Mexican dish. It is a favorite in many restaurants but this is my Mom's recipe with her special touch, so it is much better...
This is Jack Gilmore of Z'Tejas (Austin, Tx) favorite dressing, Every Thanksgiving he prepares it for his family and staff. It's packed with vegetables,...
I love this melted on BBQ grilled steak. Try this spicey butter on any grilled meat, fish, poultry or vegetable. Increase the amount of chipotles if you...
I'm not suffering at all on the South Beach Diet. I've found many great recipes that fit into the plan. Dieting or not this is a great dish that brings...
An old friend gave me this recipe for wonderful stuffed peppers. I have made this countless times over the years and have always been pleased with the...
I made this during the winter and it hit the spot! A very nice alternative to regular chili. Excellent! You can eliminate alot of time by just using canned...
This is a wonderful southwestern flavor for salads and meats. Perfect for the seasoning for my Flat Iron Steak Fajitas Recipe #162888. You can change the...
Quick dinner for 2. Great for a date. If you get the shrimp already deviened, dinner's ready in 15 minutes. Quick, and tastes like a restaraunt. Serve...
I adopted this recipe after Mean Chef (IHHDRO) left the site. The comments from my original review stated, " This salad is an excellent blend of flavors....
This is a copycat from McDonalds..I went in a hunt for this recipe since I became obsessed with it. My obsession started because I added a chopped avocado...
This is surprisingly fast to make and since scallops are sliced 1/2 to 1/3 horizontally (depending on size), they grill up very quickly on the pan. If...
Achiote powder mixed with other spices and herbs can be turned into a paste to marinate and give a smoky flavor to meats, fish and poultry. This makes...
Use on grilled corn, burgers, ribs, steaks, popcorn, chicken, pork, southwestern rice or recipes calling for chipotle spice mix. Fill small jars and tie...
This recipe has grown a few strapping boys and delighted even the pickiest gal in the bunch. Our home is always full to overflowing on Thanksgiving and...
From Texas Home Cooking by Cheryl and Bill Jamison. This recipe is like the chili powder you would buy in the store (like Gebhardt's), only it doe not...
I was looking for recipes to use up the jalapeños I'm growing, plus the mangoes, shrimp, and limes that I had on hand. I found this one, hope you enjoy...
Its Chili Time! When the weather FINALLY turns cool , it's time for a steaming "Bowl of Red"! Chili, to an aficionado, is more than a spicy stew; it is...
My mom started making this for us when we lived in Southern California. It remains one of my favorites. It's important to use the specified peanut oil...
A buddy e-mailed me this a while back, It's pretty dang good too. Cracked pepper is different from freshly ground pepper because the former is stronger...