Amish chicken noodle soup with corn is a comforting and filling dish. It is perfect to serve on a rainy or chilly day or when you're feeling a little...
Southwest Chicken Soup is made with black beans, corn, and cream cheese! This soup is even better than Chilis Southwest Chicken soup and all you have to...
This easy Slow Cooker Creamy Bacon Corn Chowder simmers all day in the crockpot, and is ready to serve when you are ready to eat. Fresh vegetables, chunks...
Learn how to make these easy drop dumplings for soups and stews recipe. Winter is a great time to cook up big pots of comforting soups and stews. And what's...
Chunky Leek and Potato Soup with no cream added, a healthy and nutritious vegetarian soup that the whole family can enjoy. It's ready in about 20 minutes...
As a born-and-bred Boston kid, chowder holds a special place in my heart, and fish-based chowders doubly so, as a fish chowder was the very first dish...
This Chicken Tortellini Soup with spinach and tomatoes is so easy prepare, yet exceptionally delicious! It's made entirely in one pot and can be ready...
This creamy parsnip and apple soup is a delicious one pot recipe with minimal ingredients, but loads of flavour! Garnished with fresh chives, it makes...
This easy Cream of Asparagus Soup with peas and leeks is a dreamy way to celebrate spring. Pair homemade asparagus soup with your favorite sandwich for...
This Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup recipe is velvety smooth and creamy, packed with flavor from jarred roasted red peppers and slow-roasted fresh...
This Mexican meatball soup is simple to make and absolutely delicious. We make it with small, rice-studded meatballs (albondigas), a few veggies, and a...