This Creamy Chicken and Wild Rice Soup is such a hearty and satisfying soup. It will quickly become a new favorite to add into your rotation. It's like...
This easy cabbage soup recipe is hearty, healthy, easy to make, and tastes fantastic. Before adding to the soup, taste your ham to see how salty it is....
Everyone needs a recipe for classic ground beef chili. Make this one your go-to! Featuring corn, peppers, tomatoes, and beans, it makes enough to freeze...
This Red Chicken Pozole is a comforting dream in a bowl. Filled with spicy chiles, white hominy, and topped with tons of crunchy veggies. This traditional...
This chicken stew is a hearty blend of tender chicken pieces, potatoes and vegetables, all in a thick and rich broth. The perfect comfort food classic...
Raise your hand if you want a bowl of nice nourishing Czech soup! Such is the sauerkraut soup with sausage, so thick that a spoon stands in it. We Czechs...
New Mexico Chile Verde (Green Chili) - This New Mexico Chile Verde AKA Green Chili recipe is savory and bold with tomatillos and poblano peppers, and is...
Weight Loss Magic Soup is the perfect recipe to a healthier you in 2019! If you are looking to drop a few pounds this low-calorie, high-fiber soup is healthy,...
This chicken stock recipe was a staple in my home growing up. I remember my mom making chicken stock on the stove every weekend, all winter long. Long-simmered...
Recipe video above. You don't need to manhandle a whole chicken to make a beautiful flavour infused, golden, savoury broth. Use chicken pieces instead...
You're going to love this classic tomato soup recipe! It's super creamy, yet light and magically cream-less. Make this easy recipe tonight! Recipe yields...
An easy, everyday recipe for lentil soup with potatoes, carrots, kale, and simple herbs and seasonings. The perfect plant-based main or side that requires...
Celebrating one of Germany's most famous "superfoods", Sauerkraut, this wonderful soup is satisfying to both tummy and soul. The combination of tangy sauerkraut,...