Ground Turkey simmered in savory chicken broth with white beans, spinach, and simple seasonings. A healthy, protein-packed meal that will leave you feeling...
This Curried Cream of Corn Soup is creamy, a little bit spicy, and full of flavor! It makes a great weeknight meal - 15 minutes and you have a delicious...
This Easy Healthy Roasted Vegetable Soup is a simple healthy soup recipe that's packed with freshly roasted seasonal vegetables! It's quick and easy to...
The best vegetable soup recipe ever, ready in 30 minutes! If you want to know how to make healthy vegetable soup or keto low carb vegetable soup, this...
This Napa cabbage and bean soup is vegetarian comfort food! Ready in just 30 minutes, this delicious and very simple soup is so flavorful you'll want...
Creamy Lettuce Soup is a delicious, healthy recipe that uses 1 head of lettuce. Combined with heavy cream, chicken broth and spices, this is a great way...
This Hearty Red Lentil Stew is thick and chunky with diced tomatoes and lentils. Made with flavorful spices and vegetables, this filling dish is the perfect...
This soup is easy, fresh and delicious! Made with tender chicken, creamy avocado and bright lime juice. Top with tortilla chips, cheese and sour cream...
This vegetarian Pasta Fagioli recipe is a super simple, hearty, and rustic Italian bowl of comfort. It takes about 30 minutes and a few pantry staples...
Purple cabbage soup with carrots in a tomato base broth is vegan, nourishing and rich in powerful antioxidants! This soups vibrant purple color is fun...
Crock Pot beef and barley soup with mushrooms is my new favorite soup to make this winter. This soup is full of onion, celery, and garlic and then lots...
This Crockpot or Slow Cooker Chili is going to change your life. It is so simple to make, smells absolutely amazing all day long as it cooks, and is so...
Brussels Sprouts Soup is an amazing dish that can be served from the end of summer throughout the cold winter months. It's very easy to make and tastes...
Portuguese salt cod stew (bacalhau or bacalhoada) is layered and baked in the oven. Made with salt cod, potatoes, hard boiled eggs, onions, olives, and...
Delicious, thick and creamy vegan corn chowder made without any cream or dairy! This easy vegan corn chowder recipe uses potatoes, coconut milk and a blender...
This easy Tuscan Chicken Stew recipe is inspired by the famous Tuscan Chicken Pasta recipes. It is so flavorful with sundried tomatoes, spices, and chicken....
Sancocho is a meats and vegetables stew, enjoyed in Latin America and the Spanish Caribbean islands. It's made of a variety of meats and starchy vegetables...
The most delicious crockpot cheesy cauliflower soup that's packed with vegetables, good for you, and easy to make. Super creamy, full of veggies, and freezer...
A quick and easy Leftover Ham and Bean Soup that is healthy and filling, just perfect for a chilly day. The soup takes about 25 minutes to cook, and it's...
If you would like to eat a vegetarian goulash soup EXACTLY how Hungarians eat it, you should try this recipe. Our family has been making bean goulash this...