These plump, fried hors d'oeuvres, a seafood variation on Chile's signature baked onion-and-meat-filled empanadas, are hot and juicy. Have plenty of napkins...
This is a quick and easy seafood pasta recipe with shrimp in a cream sauce. I came up with it the other day when I had unexpected dinner guests and only...
This garlic and shrimp recipe is delicious. It's a snap to assemble. This recipe will soon be a family favorite. The true way to eat this dish is to leave...
My sauteed shrimp with spinach, tomatoes, and spaghetti squash is a great meal to prepare together with your kids, friends, or spouse. The beautiful colors...
Lemon-garlic shrimp over pasta is a staple meal in our family because it is quick to make and the kids love it! You can also pair these lemon garlic shrimp...
We call this one a picnic dinner since everything can be eaten with your hands. It's easy to pack up and take to the park if you want, but it also works...
A succulent, red hot, delightful dish for prawn lovers. Try it as an appetizer or as a light main dish. Serve with a salad and some rice in your own romantic...
This low-carb pasta alternative gets topped with shrimp, olives, tomatoes, and feta for a healthy and quick meal. Take care not to overcook the zucchini...
The texture of shrimp cooked in the Instant Pot is such a pleasant surprise: You'd think the shrimp might be tough or mushy, but it's firm, tender, and...