If you didn't grow up in a coastal town in the South, you might never have eaten pickled shrimp with your Thanksgiving dinner. But since you can use frozen...
A very simple recipe for blackened shrimp using my blackened seasoning. If you don't eat them straight out the pan, they're very good dipped in garlic...
This dish is highlighted by shrimp and mushrooms sauteed in port wine and a creamy garlic sauce over angel hair pasta. Delicious! Enjoy with your favorite...
This simple marinade for shrimp is guaranteed to please. Passed down by my mother-in-law, it's without a doubt one of her greatest contributions to humankind....
This is always a hit. The best part is how fast you can whip it up! You could just buy roasted tomatoes in a jar, but I think roasting them yourself gives...
One of the quickest meals you can make in your smoker is shrimp, done in just 30 minutes. These shrimp are lightly seasoned to let the smoke flavor shine,...
Easy recipe to put together for that laid-back 'Maui Wowie' person. Great for the beach or backyard BBQ. You will be surprised by the onolicious flavor....
A twist on shrimp scampi that I threw together for my hungry husband one day, made with things I had in the cupboard. It went over so well that it is a...
This is one of my husband's favorite dishes. It isn't exactly healthy, but it is fabulous. It is a common dish in Louisiana. This recipe feeds a lot of...
This is my take on the classic Vietnamese sugar cane shrimp recipe and it works great! Serve with Vietnamese dipping sauce (nuoc cham) or mix of hoisin...
My boyfriend flipped over these. They are easy enough that you can add or skimp on ingredients and they are virtually fool proof. Add sweet or spicy at...
This was my stepfather's crowd-pleasing recipe. It's simple to make, and the longer the shrimp sit, the better! You can prepare the shrimp a day ahead,...