Take your taste buds on a trip to New Orleans where the Po'boy sandwich originated. Crispy cornmeal-coated fried shrimp are paired with shredded iceberg...
Sweet, butterflied shrimp in a garlicky cream sauce with a smoky paprika flavor are served over thick slices of buttery, pan-toasted French bread in this...
A quick broth made with browned shrimp shells gives you just about all the flavor you need for this shrimp stew. Unlike its beef or lamb counterparts,...
This delicious recipe for spaghettini with shrimp comes courtesy of Mario Batali. To help the sauce adhere, leave a bit of starchy water on the pasta rather...
Stir-frying is a smart shortcut to a healthy dinner in 20 minutes or less. This light and flavorful version amps up shrimp with garlic, red pepper flakes,...
Whole-wheat couscous can have up to six times as much fiber as the regular kind. When you pair it with shrimp and green beans, you've got a protein-packed,...
Squid ink pasta is amazingly flavorful and easy to make. This easy black spaghetti recipe comes together in 30 minutes with no hassle or stress. Perfect...
This anchovy-spiked dressing-which can be made in 10 minutes-goes well with grilled shrimp. It's a healthier version of the classic dressing and uses light...
Refreshing and citrusy! Preparation Time: 20 minutes. This recipe is from The WEBB Cooks, articles and recipes by Robyn Webb, courtesy of the American...
Risotto isn't hard to prepare, but it can be time-consuming. Save the effort for another day with this creamy, quick-cook version that pairs packaged risotto...
Refreshing and citrusy! Preparation Time: 20 minutes. This recipe is from The WEBB Cooks, articles and recipes by Robyn Webb, courtesy of the American...
Sauteed shrimp braised with white wine and lime juice and seasoned with cilantro and cayenne pepper. Simple, quick and delicious. Serve with a grilled...
Shrimp dishes are traditionally served during Chinese New Year celebrations to symbolize joy and happiness. This classic dry stir-fry from Grace Young's...
The pairing of spicy Buffalo sauce with blue cheese is an American classic -- this salad brings the two together again with delicate sauteed shrimp and...
These shrimp tacos are a cross between a taco and a quesadilla. They are crispy on the outside with a melty and cheesy interior. Top tacodillas with sliced...
No more waiting for that large stockpot of water to boil just to drop everything in and wait for it to start boiling again. By utilizing your multi-functional...
I developed this recipe because I love sweet and spicy, and I love shrimp. I serve this at every party I host and have learned to have copies of the recipe...
A wonderful rich blend of shrimp and pasta. Sea Shells are great for a formal meal or a special meal. Sea Shells look and taste expensive but are really...
A succulent, red hot, delightful dish for prawn lovers. Try it as an appetizer or as a light main dish. Serve with a salad and some rice in your own romantic...
A succulent, red hot, delightful dish for prawn lovers. Try it as an appetizer or as a light main dish. Serve with a salad and some rice in your own romantic...
A succulent, red hot, delightful dish for prawn lovers. Try it as an appetizer or as a light main dish. Serve with a salad and some rice in your own romantic...
Do not marinate the shrimp longer than the indicated time. If you are using bamboo skewers, be sure to soak them in cold water for at least 30 minutes....
Do not marinate the shrimp longer than the indicated time. If you are using bamboo skewers, be sure to soak them in cold water for at least 30 minutes....
Do not marinate the shrimp longer than the indicated time. If you are using bamboo skewers, be sure to soak them in cold water for at least 30 minutes....