A dash of red pepper flakes adds nuance to this condiment of sweet red peppers cooked with vinegar, sugar, and pectin. Serve it on a cheese board or stir...
If I could use only one marinade for the rest of my life, it would be this one. Redolent with garlic, piquant with fresh lemon juice, and fragrant with...
This all-purpose marinade can be used for chicken or turkey breast, pork cutlets, firm-pressed tofu, and seafood. If you prefer to omit the chile flakes...
Below are two different ways to make this delicious caramel spread: One is more classic-cooking down milk and sugar-but it requires a fair amount of attention...
This thick, glossy sauce makes chocolate syrup taste ho-hum. It's wonderful on the Frozen Chocolate Caramel Parfaits or poured over any flavor of ice cream...
Sweet, sticky, charred, and crispy: Barbecued chicken is one of the surest signs of summer. Store-bought sauce has nothing on this easy homemade version,...
Stuffed-shells don't have to be a weekend project. This one-pan, stovetop-only version turns mushroom-and-spinach stuffed shells into an easy weeknight...
It's not just a marinade-this classic mojo sauce can also be spooned over chicken or fish for a piquant finishing touch, and deployed as a flavorful stir-in...
How to make the best Thai Peanut Sauce ever! This Peanut Sauce Recipe can be used as a dipping sauce, salad dressing, for peanut noodles or with chicken...
Recipe for an easy red enchilada sauce, also known as salsa roja or mole rojo, prepared with dried ancho and pasilla chiles. Use it as a base for Pozole...
This lemony garlic marinade is the perfect way to make any cut of lamb sing. Marinate at least one hour before cooking, but as long as overnight! If you're...
Adding the cranberries in three stages, along with crumbled nuts, results in a wonderful conserve with layers of texture and flavor. The turbinado sugar...
The traditional Egyptian breakfast of dried fava beans is also the national dish, eaten at all times of the day, in the fields, in village mud-houses,...
A straightforward ganache-chocolate and cream - with a two-to-one ratio of cream to chocolate. Some sugar, in the form of corn syrup, is added, primarily...
Use any mixture of berries in this simple, quick compote. It tastes great with the raspberry torte and over ice cream or pound cake. Active time: 5 min...
This rich, dark chocolate syrup is better than Hershey's! With just 5 ingredients and 10 minutes, you'll have your own homemade chocolate syrup. Recipe...
Spiced rum is a sweetened version of the popular spirit flavored with such spices as vanilla, cinnamon, and nutmeg. This sauce would also be sublime served...