This is a rich, sweet caramel sauce that can be made at the last minute that is great on bread pudding, gingerbread, apple pie, chopped apples, ice cream,...
This recipe has a lot of sweetness and spice, so if you're looking for a classic BBQ sauce that's easy to make, look no further. It is very popular with...
Basil pesto is extremely versatile! It enhances the flavor for all dishes like steak, chicken, fish, vegetables, and pasta! After the ingredients are combined...
This fabulous cheese sauce is as easy to make as it is versatile. A smooth, fail-safe sauce for Welsh rarebit, Horseshoe sandwiches, vegetables, and pasta....
This stuff is so beautiful and delicious, you and your Valentine may not even need the cake. This will absolutely work even if you use frozen raspberries,...
This is a quick recipe for tomato sauce. I have just given the outline for the sauce, but you can add any kind of vegetables to it. I especially like it...
A classic version of this dish was shared with me years ago. This is is my adaptation to more local ingredients. If you don't like beer, you can replace...
If you are a regular buyer of store-bought chocolate sauce, and didn't realize how easy it is to make your own at home, then I hope you give this recipe...
Simple tartar sauce for deep fried seafood. It is better if prepared several hours before you will be using it, but it can be used immediately. Store for...
Don't care for Velveeta®? Try this recipe. It can be used in place of it. Five ingredients and in less than 10 minutes, you've got a delicious substitute...
The Jack Daniels® grill glaze is one of the most scrumptious sauces you will ever taste on just about any meat. Introduced in April of 1997, this glaze...
Make this tasty homemade chili sauce in a flash with ingredients you will have already in your cabinets. Definitely less expensive than prepared, and you...
This easy no-cook peanut sauce has a terrific authentic Thai taste. It is spicy and peanutty, and is perfect as a dipping sauce for chicken, shrimp, and...
A simple, slow cooked, authentic spaghetti sauce, as good as the restaurants serve...or better! The secret ingredient is baking soda, but do not taste...
If you know someone from Buffalo, they know someone who told them the secret ingredients to the Anchor Bar's famous Buffalo chicken wings. I know people...
Making creme fraiche is very easy and, once you taste the magic of homemade sour cream, you'll have a hard time not repeating this esoteric exercise. Sure...
This is a basic recipe for authentic Italian tomato sauce flavored with extra-virgin olive oil, garlic and basil. Toss with your favorite pasta or use...
This glaze is a must-have accompaniment to drizzle over fish, poultry, vegetables, pastas, salads, and even fruit. It can turn any dish from ordinary to...
This sauce is really good with chicken and a great alternative to the traditional BBQ sauce. I like the full teaspoon of black pepper. This is also great...
This Bolognese sauce is dedicated to the late great Marcella Hazan. She was considered the Julia Child of Italian food, and at a time when most Americans...
Don't you just love the sauce on your burger you just got from the restaurant or even the fast food joint? Well, we do! Put this on your burgers instead...
Great for vegetable pizza, meat pizza, or pasta. Brush your favorite pizza dough with olive oil, spread sauce, add your favorite toppings, and bake per...
A light and creamy sauce with puree of roasted red peppers as the base. It is excellent on any type of pasta, but tortellini or ravioli seems to be the...