Fragrant yellow rice with a touch of curry and spices, cooked in coconut milk and topped with roasted peanuts and fresh coriander (cilantro). Scrumptious!...
One of my favorite recipes from 1,001 Vegetarian Recipes. Also one of the first recipes I tried to cook when I first became a vegetarian. Sounds funny,...
This risotto can be paired with the grilled shrimp or any other seafood or fish. It is also great by itself or as a side dish with grilled lamb or chicken....
This is a tasty dish. Between the kale, the rice, and the squash, it's chock-full of fiber, antioxidants, and minerals. And the nutty, salty Pecorino Romano...
In Assyrian, we call this dish "jadarah"! Lentils and rice have come a long way. We see these types of dishes more often! I hope you enjoy this great and...
I encountered this dish on a vacation to Costa Rica. They served it all over the country at breakfast. There is a sauce that they put on it that is very...
If you don't have cinnamon and star anise in your pantry, don't buy them just for this congee recipe. You can tweak the flavor profile by using black peppercorns...
This pressure cooker recipe has been converted from a family recipe that we've used for 40+ years. Our family had come across it while in New Orleans when...
I came up with this tonight, trying to use some of the veggies in my fridge while they were still good! I like to overlap steps to save time so I hope...
This is an addition to a good basic risotto recipe. I add this to a double batch of my Basic Risotto (recipe #145066). The mushroom mixture is ridiculously...
Autumn is approaching and this is an easy soup to make to welcome the change in seasons. To make this 'after-work do-able' cook the rice the night before...
It just doesn't get much easier than this fool-proof rice sidedish. It won't look like much when it goes in the oven, but trust me, it comes out perfect...
This is a cousin of jambalaya or perloo, and it should be fairly simple, with the chicken, sausage and rice as the stars. Any white meat works, and I used...
A mixture of savory miso and nutty tahini adds a creamy richness to this filling vegetarian soup. A good dose of ginger and garlic, plus a few drops of...