Zucchini, yellow squash, red bell pepper, and onions are tossed with olive oil and herbs and roasted until just tender in an easy-to-clean-up parchment-lined...
Salmon fillets wrapped in individual foil packets are grilled in an Asian-inspired blend of teriyaki sauce, honey, fresh ginger, and sesame oil for a gourmet...
A delightful twist on a family favorite. These cookies incorporate sweet caramel-filled chocolate candies, dark chocolate and a finishing sprinkle of sea...
Green bean casserole can get lighter with reduced fat, reduced sodium soup, a cracker onion topper, and some slivered almonds for crunch. Serving casseroles...
Parchment packets filled with shrimp and broccoli florets and seasoned with an Asian-inspired ginger sauce are baked for a delicious and easy-clean-up...
A vegetarian miso broth flavored with sesame oil, chili pepper and rice vinegar poured over rice noodles, roasted shiitake mushrooms and green beans from...
These Hawaiian vegetable kabobs are made with fresh grilled fruits and veggies and are a great healthy dinner your family will love. Plus, using aluminum...
Ditch the deep fryer in favor of flavor-packed baked chicken wings coated in Moroccan spices and crisped to perfection atop a foil-lined baking sheet from...
Veggie lovers delight in these sweet potatoes from Jodi Moreno of What's Cooking Good Looking. Baked using Reynolds Wrap® Aluminum Foil, stuffed with...
This Cajun-inspired dish practically makes itself. Just dump the ingredients in the slow cooker, toss in the shrimp a few minutes before serving and voila!...
Use plenty of coconut flakes to coat these shrimp for superior crunch and subtle tropical sweetness from Natasha Kravchuk of Natasha's Kitchen. They're...
Bite into these delicious Grilled S'mores Ice Cream Sandwiches from Jodi Moreno of What's Cooking Good Looking. Chocolate is melted over graham crackers...
Red potatoes seasoned with rosemary and garlic are cooked in a sealed foil packet and served with grated Parmesan cheese for an easy and delicious side...
A vegetarian miso broth flavored with sesame oil, chili pepper and rice vinegar poured over rice noodles, roasted shiitake mushrooms and green beans from...