Say goodbye to your turkey leftovers with our Turkey Tetrazzini recipe. Made with peas and fresh mushrooms and served on a bed of hot noodles, creamy Turkey...
Assemble everything you need for this sweet Tossed Pear and Cranberry Salad for the holidays this year. This pear and cranberry salad only takes 10 minutes...
Make something hearty tonight with Roasted Italian Sausage and Potatoes. With tomatoes, garlic, rosemary and gravy, this Roasted Italian Sausage and Potatoes...
Give any party a touch of flavor and flair with this delightful Fiesta Pasta Salad. Avocado, corn and grape tomatoes add a pop of color to this Fiesta...
Make some Easy Caramel Apples with your favorite apple, KRAFT Caramel Bits and just a little bit of water. This simple recipe for Easy Caramel Apples will...
Share the joy of the season with Christmas Tree RICE KRISPIES TREATS®. These Christmas-tree shaped treats are perfect for kids of all ages. All you need...
Try this delicious Ravioli with Parmesan Garlic Butter recipe for your next meal! You'll enjoy the rich texture and buttery goodness of this pasta dish....
Kamut wheat is renowned for its delicious buttery, nutty flavor, and high nutritional value. It has a unique golden hue, and when combined with conventional...
This No-Peek Chicken Casserole has just 5-ingredients. With chicken breast, rice, cream of mushroom soup, and cream of celery soup, you can have this one-pan...
Cinnamon, plump juicy raisins, and slightly sweet and nutty emmer wheat make this pan bread so tasty. It's perfect for breakfast toast or sweet-and-savory...
Choose the one dish you'd want to be stranded with on a desert island. We bet it'll be Shipwreck Dinner made with ground beef and stewed tomatoes. Whip...
Skip the bakery and make these PHILADELPHIA Sugar Cookie Cutouts at home. Adding PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese to the mix makes these scrumptious PHILADELPHIA...
Take just one bite of this creamy, party-perfect Ambrosia Mold and you'll know it's called ambrosia. In only 15 minutes, you'll have this fruity Ambrosia...
Prep our party-perfect Cream Cheese-Stuffed Dates Recipe in only 15 minutes. With such an easy prep, this sweet, salty and completely delish Cream Cheese-Stuffed...
Here's what the best-dressed roast beef sandwiches are wearing this season: crisp-tender sautéed vegetables and pickled pepper rings. Trust us on this...
Create the perfect side for your next summer barbeque with our Dill Pickle-Pasta Salad recipe. This creamy Dill Pickle-Pasta Salad recipe has the tangy...
Try this Baked Salmon with Creamy Dill Sauce for a delectable take on a favorite fish. PHILADELPHIA Garlic & Herb Cream Cheese Spread plus fresh dill come...