Homemade taco shells are crunchy and taste excellent! Use homemade tortillas or store-bought corn tortillas. You may need a little practice at first. Fill...
This thin flatbread is a great alternative to tortillas and considering it is an unleavened type of bread it is pretty fast and easy to make. It can be...
There's no yeast in this bread, so it's good for special diets. You may also use soy milk instead of regular milk if you wish. It's pretty dense, but great...
Moist delicious way to use up excess sweet potatoes or yams after the holidays. This is so delicious that it disappeared within minutes. Wrap in aluminum...
A very Sri Lankan recipe for coconut roti. Very quick and easy and a meal in itself with a pat of butter and some onion sambol. Mainly eaten for breakfast...
This amazing gluten-free cinnamon swirl pumpkin bread is topped with a buttery crumble and sweet maple glaze. It's THE BEST gluten-free pumpkin bread recipe...
Creamy and comforting side dish that goes well with a hearty beef stew or winter-time soup. My grandfather made this and shared his recipe with me. Dish...
This is a flat bread that is easy to prepare, and is usually served with something sweet to put on top. Honey or cinnamon sugar. I prefer it with honey...
This is a flat bread that is easy to prepare, and is usually served with something sweet to put on top. Honey or cinnamon sugar. I prefer it with honey...
This is a flat bread that is easy to prepare, and is usually served with something sweet to put on top. Honey or cinnamon sugar. I prefer it with honey...
This is a flat bread that is easy to prepare, and is usually served with something sweet to put on top. Honey or cinnamon sugar. I prefer it with honey...
There's no yeast in this bread, so it's good for special diets. You may also use soy milk instead of regular milk if you wish. It's pretty dense, but great...
This bread is the best when baked in a black cast iron pan. Once the bread is in the oven, start 'cookin down' those collard greens, black eyed peas and...
This recipe, when completely finished, tastes like a biscuit. It is an Australian recipe that I made, was very excited about and was hurrying to get to...
I've always been fascinated by how many different breakfast foods you can create using just milk, eggs, and flour; and this is one of the more interesting...
This light and sweet quick bread makes a perfect food gift, bake sale addition, or just breakfast side! It features chia seeds, which are high in omega...
I grew up thinking that this was zucchini bread...ha! Once I found out it was actually green tomatoes, I was a little weirded out, but still went back...
This crisp and bubbly bread is wonderful for Indian tacos or served as a dessert with powdered sugar or sugar and cinnamon. We put refried beans, Mexican-seasoned...
These are very easy and quick to make. To make them even faster, you can make the dough the night before, cover and store in refrigerator overnight. That...
Banana pancake pops will cook easy and taste great. Warning: very addictive once tried. Don't worry if the first couple are darker then the rest. You'll...