Even using canned pumpkin puree, this soup is creamy and flavorful and most importantly quick! Garnish with pancetta, chopped fresh herbs, pomegranate...
Sweet pumpkin, smoky chiles, and tangy buttermilk make this a great cold-weather soup. Be creative with substituting other spices (cinnamon, ginger, cloves,...
Fresh pumpkin and succulent pears are roasted together before being blended into a creamy bisque. From the caramelization that results with roasting veggies,...
This scrumptious and hearty soup is perfect for those short on time or reluctant to tackle cumbersome fresh pumpkin and garlic prep. It makes a wonderfully...
This scrumptious and hearty soup is perfect for those short on time or reluctant to tackle cumbersome fresh pumpkin and garlic prep. It makes a wonderfully...
Typical autumn flavors from Northern Italy mixed with gluten-free pasta will warm you on a cool evening. Use any shape pasta you desire, even broken spaghetti...
Sweet pumpkin, smoky chiles, and tangy buttermilk make this a great cold-weather soup. Be creative with substituting other spices (cinnamon, ginger, cloves,...
A good way to change up pumpkin soup! Great for those who like a good bit of spice but can be adjusted to taste. Even my boyfriend who does not like pumpkin...
This scrumptious and hearty soup is perfect for those short on time or reluctant to tackle cumbersome fresh pumpkin and garlic prep. It makes a wonderfully...
Delicious way to mix up your average pumpkin soup. It's got a bit of a spicy kick without being too much. Huge hit with everybody here. Serve with some...
Sweet pumpkin, smoky chiles, and tangy buttermilk make this a great cold-weather soup. Be creative with substituting other spices (cinnamon, ginger, cloves,...
Typical autumn flavors from Northern Italy mixed with gluten-free pasta will warm you on a cool evening. Use any shape pasta you desire, even broken spaghetti...
A creamy pumpkin soup for autumn. This soup is smooth and flavorful, and the addition of ginger lends a sweet and spicy flavor to a traditional seasonal...
This unusual combination of pumpkin and shrimp is a surprise. Curry powder and chicken broth add flavor and aroma to an already fantastic fall soup. Serve...
This scrumptious and hearty soup is perfect for those short on time or reluctant to tackle cumbersome fresh pumpkin and garlic prep. It makes a wonderfully...
Delicious way to mix up your average pumpkin soup. It's got a bit of a spicy kick without being too much. Huge hit with everybody here. Serve with some...
This scrumptious and hearty soup is perfect for those short on time or reluctant to tackle cumbersome fresh pumpkin and garlic prep. It makes a wonderfully...
This easy pumpkin soup recipe (kabak corbasi) is from Turkey and you need only a handful of ingredients. Serve with a dollop of Greek yogurt and fresh...
Typical autumn flavors from Northern Italy mixed with gluten-free pasta will warm you on a cool evening. Use any shape pasta you desire, even broken spaghetti...
Do you have guests you would like to impress? This is the best pumpkin soup I have ever tasted. It is so good it leaves you with a craving that lasts for...
Typical autumn flavors from Northern Italy mixed with gluten-free pasta will warm you on a cool evening. Use any shape pasta you desire, even broken spaghetti...
Do you have guests you would like to impress? This is the best pumpkin soup I have ever tasted. It is so good it leaves you with a craving that lasts for...
This scrumptious and hearty soup is perfect for those short on time or reluctant to tackle cumbersome fresh pumpkin and garlic prep. It makes a wonderfully...
This easy pumpkin soup recipe (kabak corbasi) is from Turkey and you need only a handful of ingredients. Serve with a dollop of Greek yogurt and fresh...
This is a delicious vegan version of pumpkin soup with just enough spice for a mild kick. It's made with coconut oil instead of butter and uses light coconut...
This scrumptious and hearty soup is perfect for those short on time or reluctant to tackle cumbersome fresh pumpkin and garlic prep. It makes a wonderfully...
This is a wonderfully soothing and savory soup - a perfect choice for a holiday party or dinner. Adjust the amount of curry and soy sauce for spiciness....
I modified another Allrecipes pumpkin soup recipe past recognition and decided to add it here to share. It has a little bit of a kick to it from the chili...