An easy, elegant, and deliciously creamy no-bake pie. It takes just minutes to assemble, but is an impressive addition to your holiday dessert lineup....
An easy, elegant, and deliciously creamy no-bake pie. It takes just minutes to assemble, but is an impressive addition to your holiday dessert lineup....
An easy, elegant, and deliciously creamy no-bake pie. It takes just minutes to assemble, but is an impressive addition to your holiday dessert lineup....
This recipe has a wonderful combination of a chocolate and peanut butter. It's simple and inexpensive. I make this pie for a restaurant owned by my mother,...
Our Thanksgiving desserts are sure to impress your guests at Thanksgiving dinner. Pie recipes at Woman's Day are easy and delicious. Our collection includes...
This is the best cold rhubarb dessert recipe I've found, and it's so easy. I have to give thanks to Nikki for adapting this recipe! Even my son who dislikes...
A quick pie with a layer of chocolate pudding atop a cream cheese layer and finished with a layer of whipped topping. Garnish with chocolate shavings if...
A luxurious, rich dessert that induces happiness in all who try it...called Mari's Dessert in honor of my sister-in-law who loves it. Garnish with shaved...
A yummy delight which has become a holiday tradition in our family as it will in yours! It is surprisingly easy to prepare! Rum may be omitted or substituted...
This recipe has a wonderful combination of a chocolate and peanut butter. It's simple and inexpensive. I make this pie for a restaurant owned by my mother,...
This recipe has a wonderful combination of a chocolate and peanut butter. It's simple and inexpensive. I make this pie for a restaurant owned by my mother,...
An easy, elegant, and deliciously creamy no-bake pie. It takes just minutes to assemble, but is an impressive addition to your holiday dessert lineup....
A quick pie with a layer of chocolate pudding atop a cream cheese layer and finished with a layer of whipped topping. Garnish with chocolate shavings if...
A quick pie with a layer of chocolate pudding atop a cream cheese layer and finished with a layer of whipped topping. Garnish with chocolate shavings if...
This delicious refrigerator pie has lots of tasty layers. Cherry pie filling is spread in the bottom of a graham cracker crust. The next layer is a cream...
This is the best cold rhubarb dessert recipe I've found, and it's so easy. I have to give thanks to Nikki for adapting this recipe! Even my son who dislikes...
This is one of my family's favorite recipes. My boys call it 'Mom's Secret Chocolate Pie Recipe' and request it at every family gathering! I always make...
Your classic silky, chocolate pie-but with a delicious raspberry twist! Garnished with whipped topping, mint leaves, and fresh raspberries, this is a beautiful...
Makes excellent banana, coconut, or chocolate cream pie. This was given to me by a friend many years ago. For banana slice a layer of bananas in pie pan...
Your classic silky, chocolate pie-but with a delicious raspberry twist! Garnished with whipped topping, mint leaves, and fresh raspberries, this is a beautiful...