This is an easy go-to recipe that has been around for a long time. It is a nice one for those days when you want a BBQ flavour but don't feel like digging...
Along with adding some extra smoky-char flavor to the dish, grilling the jalapeños mellows their spiciness. If you want to up the heat, just leave them...
Based on a recipe from Good Housekeeping. This Italian casserole delivers comfort with creamy polenta and a hearty tomato ragu studded with spicy sausage...
This recipe is bi-cultural if you will - pork sausage from the South and wild rice from Minnesota, and I have to hand it to those folks from Minnesota...
A thirty year old recipe that just seems to get better with time. I went to visit my daughter 3000 miles away and I still had to make the stuffing for...
Here's a tasty sounding recipe I found in a local newspaper. I haven't tried this one yet, but it's made with some of my favorite foods, so I imagine it'll...
Slow-roasted pork is shredded and mixed with a tangy barbeque sauce, then loaded into hoagie rolls and topped with homemade coleslaw. This is not a sandwich...
I'm passing this on from a girlfriend of mine. I made it and all I can say is "Wow"! I actually marinaded the tenderloins for 72 hours because I forgot...
I searched your website for the simple lima bean recipe that my mom used to make and the one that is served by many restaurants here in the south as a...
This is one of my favorite cookout side dishs! My Aunt Char makes these all the time and I finaly got the recipe from her! They are a great side dish with...
After not being able to find restaurant ribs that satified my hot sweet appetite, I carefully attempted various combinations of flavors until I found one...
From Chinese Food Site by Lila Voo. The timing does not include marinating overnight. Serve with fried rice and stir fried green beans. I have reduced...
"At the restaurant Mimosa, the food, service, and ambiance transform a night in Los Angeles into an evening in Paris," says Michele Winkler of Sherman...
A flavorful stew, Pörkölt is redolent with the fragrance of paprika and bell peppers. It has few ingredients, and is surprisingly easy to make. Save...
The ribs come clean off the bone after cooking in the oven over low heat, then a quick brush with your favorite barbecue sauce and grilled for five to...
Don't confuse this pork tenderloin with a pork loin roast, as they are 2 different cuts of meat. A pork tenderloin is smaller than a pork loin roast. For...
This is a recipe from Alton Brown on the food network, the regular recipe stated 1 cup salt but I cut it down to 3/4 cup you could even reduce the salt...
A family favorite! Use fresh breadcrumbs only for this, and the amounts can be cut in half for 4 porkchops. The garlic powder or fresh garlic can be omited...
This is another one of my favorite potato soup recipes. It's similar to some of the recipes already posted, but a little different so I am posting this...
This is pure comfort food. I serve this with mashed potatoes to use all the gravy, and a green vegetable. If you want it thicker, you can add some cornstarch...
Our pastor's wife, while we were stationed in Hawaii, gave me this recipe. It taste just like the imu pit roast pork, like they serve at luaus. It's really...
The apple and onion together work magic on this classic dish. This is traditionally served on New Year's Day in Central Pennsylvania. It is customarily...
This recipe was included in an ad in my local paper. It sounded so good that we had to try it. We used Owens rolled sausage since I had the coupon. It...
This is so easy - just one dish to complete an entire meal. The pork and potatoes melt in your mouth! We also like to buy a seasoned tenderloin for a special...
Maque choux is a stewed vegetable side dish. This recipe also includes okra. Don't be afraid of it! For a vegetarian version, just omit the bacon and use...