My Mexican husband was shocked at how authentic this recipe was to his mom's and grandmother's recipe. This is a delicious, not too spicy, authentic Mexican...
When I lived in Milwaukee we used to be able to buy hot ham and rolls on Sunday morn and had our choice of "baked" or boiled. I hated the boiled ham, but...
One of my favorite flavor combinations ever! This pork dish combines the strength of garlic with the sweetness of red pepper balanced by a tangy lemon...
A unique tangy and spicy chunky peach sauce perfectly complements traditional glazed ham for an outstanding holiday meal. Vary the amount of ginger and...
I created this recipe because I have found that many pork recipes have little flavor, are too spicy, or just require too much work. My husband and I prefer...
Try this fresh alternative to holiday ham for your next festive gathering or Sunday supper. With an apple cider brine and maple-mustard glaze, this pork...
This is a personal recipe i came to figure out on my own through trial and error, i am not a huge fan of chewy or hard ribs so i found a way to make the...
Very tasty, very easy pork shoulder recipe. It practically pulls itself. Great for sandwiches, burritos, or with rice. Serve in sandwich buns with your...
This is a great recipe for people who think they don't like sauerkraut, as it's very mild and sweet prepared this way. I never would have thought of using...
This recipe is from the "12th Edition of the Better Homes & Gardens Cookbook". The smoky and salty flavor of the pork chops is complimented by the sweet...
This entree can be prepared in seconds. Put all the ingredients together, and in hours you will have a delicious, moist, and tasty roast! Enjoy with salad...
This recipe is to be used in place of Italian sausages without the casings, the amount of spice blend is good for 2 pounds of ground pork, I most always...
This is our family's way of making beer brats! We love them this way and they are even better re-grilled the next day! Depending on how much you drink...
Homemade breakfast sausage made with ground pork and seasonings. Great cooked in crumbles for biscuits and gravy, or in patties for breakfast sandwiches...
Edamame adds a unique twist (and a great nutrition boost) to this delicious, tender pork stew. It makes a great supper on a cold evening. My family absolutely...
This is one reason I love my Instant Pot®. I can pull a frozen ham from the freezer, put it in the Instant Pot® with just 3 ingredients and, with almost...
My friend Wendy introduced me to Honey Garlic Pork Chops at an amazing Chinese restaurant in town, Sea Garden. They are absolutely so delicious--I had...
Brining pork chops is undoubtedly the best way to prepare them. After I did it once, I will no longer prepare them any other way. They are juicy and delicious...
This is a go-to entree for any holiday. Very easy and always delicious. Spiral-sliced ham baked with a luscious brown sugar and cola glaze. Never failed...
You take an inexpensive piece of pork season it with a combination of spices and red wine, then slow cook to produce a tender and flavorful meal. In the...