Crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, and gooey melty cheese on top. If Italian herb polenta is not available, sprinkle Italian seasoning over the...
Spicy Italian sausage and broccoli rabe simmer in a flavorful tomato sauce. Served over a mound of creamy polenta, they make a ravishing, rustic Italian...
This easy polenta tastes rich and hearty -- even when made with low-fat milk and water -- and is the perfect foil for scallops topped with a zesty tomato...
This is great with any main dish, as a main dish, or for breakfast. If you don't like bell peppers, leave them out; it still tastes great! Season with...
With our freeze-now, serve-later dishes, you can give your family a comfy meal on even the busiest weeknight. This Italian casserole delivers comfort with...
Creamy polenta is seasoned with Parmesan and rosemary -- delicious served with osso buco (braised lamb or veal shanks). This is excellent without the rosemary...
No more stirring polenta on the stove! Oven-baked polenta cooks all by itself in the oven. It's creamy and comforting and everyone in the family can add...
This was my first attempt at polenta. I like it, but it is my mother Sandie who truly loves it. We always eat it with homemade blackberry jam on the weekends....
This was my first attempt at polenta. I like it, but it is my mother Sandie who truly loves it. We always eat it with homemade blackberry jam on the weekends....
Why stir polenta forever when this delicious recipe works beautifully? I like to roast veggies (eggplant, zucchini, onion) while the polenta bakes, then...
This was my first attempt at polenta. I like it, but it is my mother Sandie who truly loves it. We always eat it with homemade blackberry jam on the weekends....
Refrigerated polenta with a stove top sauce. We prefer the flavored polenta and spicy Italian sausage and also use spicy Italian seasoning to give it some...
Refrigerated polenta with a stove top sauce. We prefer the flavored polenta and spicy Italian sausage and also use spicy Italian seasoning to give it some...
Creamy polenta is seasoned with Parmesan and rosemary -- delicious served with osso buco (braised lamb or veal shanks). This is excellent without the rosemary...
Polenta slices are topped with a deliciously seasoned mixture of diced Roma tomatoes and seedless cucumber, then sprinkled with Parmesan cheese and broiled...
When I first began my career as a cook in San Francisco, I remember talking with a Chef about an upcoming menu on which he was thinking of using polenta...
Made with fine-ground cornmeal, polenta is a fun and flavorful substitute for the standard side dish. And it makes a great base for this saucy baked egg...
This is great with any main dish, as a main dish, or for breakfast. If you don't like bell peppers, leave them out; it still tastes great! Season with...