This fresh take on white pizza has a base of pesto and white cheeses topped with a veritable salad of all our favorite green vegetables. Peas and crispy,...
This simple pizza dough comes together quickly and is perfect for a thin crust pizza like "Trenton Tomato Pie" Pizza. The overnight rest is key for texture...
The first time I had this pizza was the first time I let my dough sit overnight in the fridge. This is a cream-based pie, but tomato sauce works well here,...
Pizza at home can be just as tasty as one from a local pizzeria. This pizza gets a jumpstart by using a lot of ready-made ingredients, including the dough....
This recipe is an Alfredo sauce fan's dream! The sauce works perfectly on the pizza, but is so good that it would be great served over pasta as well. As...
Whip up this 100% whole wheat pizza dough recipe in your food processor. It hardly needs kneading or rising time. You can make this pizza in less than...
Treat your family to a homemade gourmet pizza by using a store-bought flatbread. Swap out traditional marinara sauce with a creamy Parmesan-garlic white...
This is a wonderful pizza crust recipe. It rises beautifully every time, producing a tender, delicious crust that is so much better than the packaged Boboli...
Here's a healthier alternative to white flour pizza dough and it tastes good too! You can use sugar or honey as the sweetener. I like my dough on the sweeter...
There's New York and Chicago, but how many Americans have heard of this unique Detroit style? It's a thick, rectangular pizza, distinctive in that it has...
The first time I saw potatoes offered as a pizza topping, I thought that was one of the dumbest things I had ever seen. But then I tried it and realized...
People love to make their own pizza but somehow they still buy the pre-made pizza crusts from the store. Making it from scratch is so easy...give it a...
I love all kinds of pizza, my sister owned a Pizzeria in Buffalo for years and this was one of her best sellers. She cut down the dough recipe for me as...
See how just five ingredients can make an incredible Deep-Dish Meatball Pizza! With pizza dough, cheese, mushrooms, mini meatballs and pizza sauce, you'll...
Topped with shrimp, feta and red onions, this Mediterranean inspired pizza is sure to please! Using a pizza stone, this pizza is made right on the grill...
Transform your Thanksgiving leftovers into this irresistible pizza, with mashed potatoes taking the place of traditional tomato sauce. Cooking in a cast-iron...
Follow these detailed instructions for making easy whole wheat pizza dough at home. The recipe yields almost 2 lbs of whole wheat pizza dough, which is...
Making beautifully charred, wood-fired pizzas at home isn't impossible. With a special pizza-oven attachment, you can instantly turn any kettle charcoal...
Put down the fork and knife... here's a Chicago deep-dish pizza that you can actually eat by holding it in your hands! A beautiful golden crust contains...
My favorite way to use my food processor is to make pizza dough. Ever since buying my Cuisinart, I've been making this basic pizza dough recipe. It's really...
One word " Delicious " I found this recipe in my local newspaper last year and made this New Years husband loved it.. You can use Sausage or Kielbasi..I...
This is a bread machine kid approved recipe! Super easy to prep and clean up is a breeze! I LOVE this recipe for the simple fact I put the ingredients...
Somewhere between a pizza slice and a garlic knot, these pizza rolls make for a great appetizer! Make it your own by swapping in your favorite pizza toppings....
My husband was watching an episode of Man versus Food on Food Network where he visited Beau Jo's in Boulder, Colorado. There they serve Mountain Pie Pizza....