A one pot rice dish with chicken, tomatoes, mushrooms and seasoning of your choice. This is called Chicken Surprise because the first time we made it,...
Old-fashioned breaded chicken cutlets! This traditional recipe for chicken cutlets is a labor of love, but they are well worth the effort. Great served...
This is a quick and easy recipe to prepare, made with what everyone has on hand in the kitchen, and is delicious! (Note: When I am in a real hurry, I julienne...
This is a quick and easy recipe to prepare, made with what everyone has on hand in the kitchen, and is delicious! (Note: When I am in a real hurry, I julienne...
This is a quick and easy recipe to prepare, made with what everyone has on hand in the kitchen, and is delicious! (Note: When I am in a real hurry, I julienne...
The sharp, briny bite of olives is the dominant flavors here, which is why it pairs so well with chicken breast. This is one of those dishes where, if...
This is a great easy recipe for last-minute guests or a busy weeknight when you want something a little special. You may want to double the sauce and serve...
Sprinkle chicken breasts with garlic powder, onion powder and seasoning salt - then sautee and enjoy. Couldn't be easier! Great recipe for quick and easy...
This panko chicken recipe uses pounded chicken breasts making it quick and easy to cook. Use crushed, crisp rice cereal squares instead of panko crumbs...
This is a great easy recipe for last-minute guests or a busy weeknight when you want something a little special. You may want to double the sauce and serve...
'Ring my bell (peppers)!' This is a quick, healthy recipe that serves two persons. A good way to use up the plentiful bell peppers in the fall that we...
This is a quick and easy recipe to prepare, made with what everyone has on hand in the kitchen, and is delicious! (Note: When I am in a real hurry, I julienne...
Sprinkle chicken breasts with garlic powder, onion powder and seasoning salt - then sautee and enjoy. Couldn't be easier! Great recipe for quick and easy...
Sprinkle chicken breasts with garlic powder, onion powder and seasoning salt - then sautee and enjoy. Couldn't be easier! Great recipe for quick and easy...
This delicious chicken recipe includes a simple exercise in pan gravy perfection. If I only had one day to teach someone how to cook, you better believe...
Sprinkle chicken breasts with garlic powder, onion powder and seasoning salt - then sautee and enjoy. Couldn't be easier! Great recipe for quick and easy...
This is a great easy recipe for last-minute guests or a busy weeknight when you want something a little special. You may want to double the sauce and serve...
Topped with bacon, caramelized onions, and zippy shredded cheese, this recipe comes together in no time. Plus, it cooks in one skillet, so it's easy to...
A quick and easy palate-pleaser for the whole family. Looking for something different than the traditional chicken menu options? Combine Italian-inspired...
A quick and easy palate-pleaser for the whole family. Looking for something different than the traditional chicken menu options? Combine Italian-inspired...