If you like mussels, You will love this recipe. If you don't - this is a good time to start :) Aromatic lemongrass, lime juice and chillies completely...
This is a wonderful recipe for mussel and clam lovers. A very light sauce made with butter & beer. I first tried this at a local restaurant called Bones...
I found this on another site and really enjoyed the strong flavours with the mussels. The pasta can be left out and the mussels just eaten with crusty...
From Bon Appetit, November 2000, submitted by Bobbi Claibourne, Tucson, AZ. This sounds wonderful. Plan on some good bread to soak up the juices. Makes...
This French classic makes a lovely main dish meal -or- appetizer course! Serve the mussels with recipe #299317 and some French bread for mopping the juices....
The name for this beautiful Bordelais dish is mouclade. Use small mussels to approximate the tiny, sweet variety cultivated just off the coast north of...
This is a yummy fragrant Thai dish that can be served by itself or with jasmine rice. If serving as is I would probably up the mussels to 3kg as mussels...
The mussels are roasted in the oven, then served with a spicy curry sauce and garlic toasts that have been flavored with fresh basil. From my local newspaper...
Rich, creamy, and most times decadent, bistro food , these mussels and sauce make a delicious appetizer course, or you can serve them as entree with classic...
Found this in the Cooking Light Magazine and while it looks a little complicated, it sounds wonderful. Once I can gather up all the ingredients I can't...
Mussels are one of my absolute favorite foods- EVER! This is a completely different way to serve them. Prep time includes filling the mussel shells prior...
Adapted from a recipe by Kerry Saretsky at Serious Eats. She says, "Buttery Chilean sea bass is seared separately from the almost-instant broth, and is...
We went out to eat right after Christmas and ate at one of our favourite hotels that do a Sunday brunch. I tried this mussel dish that they served in little...
This is an easy and very flavorful recipe using white wine, scallops, mussels, and lemon. Great for an appetizer without the pasta or meal with it. Made...
I don't eat seafood anymore, and this is one of the recipes I miss the most. This elegant dish is delicious, beautiful, and easy to make. If memory serves...
Crusty bread is flavored with vinegar, fried golden brown, then topped with steamed mussels simmered with white wine, bay leaves, a hint of chili and parsley....
This one comes from Rex Hunt Fishing Adventures and the segment of Chef Lain Hewitson. I told a friend about it and she asked me to write it down. I decided...
This is a fresh, incredibly savory way to cook mussels with loads of garlic, onions, fresh herbs, spices and a light tomato lemon twist. Dish up in bowls...
Shying away from the typical tomato or wine based steamed mussel recipe? This one features tequila and lime and it as easy as 1..2..3 to prepare! Serve...
Serve as an appetizer with an Asian meal, or double the serving size and spoon over hot cooked rice or rice noodles for an entree. In our local paper,...
This is a recipe from the Howe Sound Inn and Brewing Company located in Squamish, BC Canada. It was published in a newspaper years ago, and I held on to...
From "Jane Brody's Good Seafood Book". I have not yet had the opportunity to make this, as I live in a landlocked desert state, but would love to know...
I am always on the lookout for ways to cook mussels. This one is a little different with the addition of Pernod, which is an anise flavored liqueur. As...
In the quaint seaside city of Trani, along the Adriatic shoreline, is a delightful restaurant called Le Lampare. There I was introduced to Farro con Legumi...
I was first introduced to preparing Spanish cuisine during a World Tour game on this site. Since then, I have greatly enjoyed making tapas and other Spanish...
This wonderful recipe is by Umberto Menghi, from his great Seafood Cookbook. We love seafood and this is one of our favorites. This dish is to die for,...
Here is a great Italian appetizer recipe that we served at the catering company many times--a delightful taste of mussels, garlic, and cheese in a crusty...
I haven't cooked this recipe (I've had it though), but found a postcard tucked in a cookbook with the recipe on it; I got the postcard when I dined at...
Drawing on the seafood traditions of Spain, this hearty dish is full of flavor and taste. And the gorgeous colors of saffron, snap peas and red pepper...