Every year we host a mussel party. The number of attendees continues to increase as word gets out about how great this recipe is. I always serve these...
Last weekend I was craving mussels, but didnt have the ingredients for my favorite recipe, so I came up with this one. It's now my New Favorite Recipe....
Kick up the flavor quotient of a bowl of mussels with Thai red curry in a fragrant coconut milk broth and you will find you and your date gleefully sopping...
From Food and Wine Magazine - These mussels make a great appetizer or add some crusty sourdough bread and a salad and make a meal. They are just a litte...
This is a nice way to serve mussels to your garlic loving guests. Prepare early and have them on the baking sheet ready to go. Then when your guests arrive.....
I made this up one day when my Dad was coming to visit. He's a big mussels fan and I always make mussels but I always went with this heavier tomato sauce...
This delicious recipe was taught in an Italian cooking class I attended. Green Lip Mussels are sold frozen - possible subs for the mussels are swordfish...
Probably the most popular recipe in the Bahamian/Caribbean cuisine. Fresh Conch isn't always easy to find, and it has to be fresh. Be careful to keep it...
I cooked my mussels seperately in water then added them to the wok to toss in sauce and heat through. My mussels were very dirty with thick beards so I...
This is a good slimmed down version of Olive Garden's Seafood Portofino copycat. It doesn't come out quite as buttery flavored, but it is still super creamy...
Stuffed mussels is a favorite throughout Italy. In Tuscany alone there are at least three traditional dishes to my knowledge. This is how they cook 'em...
First made for us by friends, my husband has made this at home several times since. No doubt this is rich, but we can't resist having it a couple times...
Impress your dinner guests with this glorious Normandy recipe of juicy, plump mussels with apple brandy and bacon. Serve with loads of crusty bread to...
The jalapeno and chili sauce supply a little kick and the lime and cilantro give a boose of fresh flavor. Pass the bread around to soak up all those lovely...
This delicious recipe is from my "Eve" cookbook. Eve Aronoff used to have a fabulous restaurant in Ann Arbor where we used to enjoy these mussels. We've...
This recipe is very simple,very fast and very good. The fresh rice noodles, thick and white, can be found in the refrigerator cabinet of any good Asian...
I found this recipe on the Geocities Website. Whipped it up for lunch today and these fritters are devine. Light and tasty and they go down a treat. The...
It's said that Italians don't eat cheese and fish together, but I've often seen nonnas grating a wodge of Parmesan into a seafood risotto or a pot of pasta....
This is the only way my husband wants his mussels prepared; it is a regular around our house. Instead of steaming the mussels in a white wine, garlic sauce...
Recipe video above. Mussels are highly underrated - they're cheap, quick and easy to cook, and delicious! This is a classic way to cook mussels - in a...