As a college student, this is an easy recipe that requires minimum preparation work! You can season it with other spices. I do mine with cayenne powder...
Just a small amount of effort for this delicious and healthy meal. You can use this chicken for tacos, burritos, burrito bowls, or fajitas. Just add your...
I made this last year out of the blue, and my whole family enjoyed it. We had never had duck before, and it was a nice exchange for the traditional turkey....
You'll need a large, heavy-duty roasting pan (or a couple of smaller ones) and a very hot oven for this delicious dish. The long oven time makes everything...
This is a simple, quick and delicious dish. All you need are a few spices and, of course, the chicken! The amount of spices are completely up to you. You...
My Mom's longtime recipe that she learned from my grandmother who has long passed on. Combines soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, dry mustard, garlic, as well...
Eating sauerkraut on New Year's is an old Pennsylvania Dutch tradition, said to bring good luck. The traditional meal consists of pork and sauerkraut served...
Ditch the boring grilled chicken for a lean and juicy pork tenderloin with pineapple. Your kids will love the fun new way of eating dinner, and you will...
My husband and 4-year-old son love this recipe. We have it for dinner at least twice a month. This dish is great over orzo pasta with steamed broccoli...
I saw a Celebrity Chef use this braising method for baby back ribs, so I decided to give it a try for pork spare ribs. I changed the seasonings and increased...
Sticky, easy honey-garlic chicken made simple, with the most amazing 5-ingredient honey-garlic sauce that is so good you'll want it on everything! Garnish...
Super-easy slow cooked pork tenderloin with sauerkraut and potatoes. Use a slow cooker liner for effortless cleanup. This is also good served with mashed...
Believe it or not, the first place I ever had dirty rice was at Popeyes®. They were out of the red beans and rice. I'd never been a huge fan of liver...
The sharp, briny bite of olives is the dominant flavors here, which is why it pairs so well with chicken breast. This is one of those dishes where, if...
Chicken à la King is one of my favorite classic comfort foods. This recipe is easy to adapt--you can make it thicker or thinner by changing the amount...
Roast chicken could not be easier - or tastier - than with this recipe. Lemon, rosemary, and garlic help to flavor this gloriously roasted chicken with...
This Greek/Lebanese style meatloaf is sliced and served with pita bread, tzatziki, and tomatoes for a delicious gyro that is the closest I've come to emulating...
I have an enormous family and all of the men go trail riding several times a year and these beans are one of the things they look forward to. My aunts...
This recipe for lamb chops is a favorite in my house. It is an easy and quick recipe for two people (we eat two chops each). Rosemary and thyme give it...
This truly is the World's Best Lasagna! I love this recipe but I am always looking for ways to take out the fat when I cook. I substituted lean ground...
This is a great way to have a small scale turkey dinner anytime of the year. Serve with rice, noodles, or dressing. This recipe can also be increased very...
Want a roasted chicken that is juicy inside without the use of a baking bag or flour? Then this recipe is perfect. It is quick and easy to prepare. The...
These Instant Pot® ribs fall right off the bone and are ready in just 30 minutes! In this family of seven I had zero complaints and these sweet and spicy...
This is a simple yet wonderful dish that's full of flavor. The meat is very moist and falls off the bone. We love to serve this dish in our home with rice...
This dish is a snap to prepare but always hits the spot at my house. The creamy sauce with a hint of lemon keeps the chicken moist and delicious. Serve...
If you've never had Nashville Hot Chicken, we're talking about an ultra-crispy fried chicken doused with a cayenne-infused glaze, and by 'glaze' I mean...