Recipe video above. That perfect combination of sweet, savoury, spicy and tangy with crispy Chinese chicken bites. This is a Chinese takeout favourite...
Recipe video above. If you like your enchiladas plump, juicy, saucy and full of flavour, this is the recipe for you! Homemade from scratch, the foundation...
Cajun gumbo is the tomato-free version of this legendary and completely customizable Louisiana stew. This recipe uses a classic combo of chicken and andouille...
Recipe video above. Time to get your dumpling game on! Don't fret about perfect pleats - if it's all too hard, just press the seams together without pleating,...
Recipe video above. This is just about the minimum ingredients you can use to make a great stir fry that still really stacks up to real Chinese take out!...
Recipe video above. Pork loin OR shoulder slow cooked in an incredible Honey Butter sauce! I love the way the pork soaks up the flavour of the sauce -...
Recipe VIDEO above. The ultimate one-pot family meal! Meltingly tender slow cooker beef and vegetables smothered in a gravy like sauce - because it's...
Cauliflower cheese has always been a big favourite in the Oliver household. It's such a staple I never thought I could do it better, but this version really...
A classic pasta from Palermo in Siciliy, pasta con le sarde (pasta with sardines) is unlike just about any other Italian pasta dish. Heavily influenced...
Recipe video above. Known as Chicken Parmesan in the US, the three key things that makes this the best Parmi you'll ever have in your life are: layers...
Recipe video above. Pasta in a pink tomato cream sauce! You'll love how creamy this sauce is, how there's plenty of it and yet you don't need gallons of...
Thai-style grilled chicken, coated in a marinade flavored with cilantro, white pepper, and fish sauce, is one of the tastiest things you'll ever pull...
Recipe video above! The famous Thai Soup, made at home, and it's honestly the real deal!! See recipe notes for shortcut using frozen peeled prawns/shrimp....
Recipe video above. Lentils and roasted eggplant (aubergine) is such a great combination - especially when you infuse the lentils with flavour by cooking...
Recipe video above. It's like fried rice and Chinese chicken made in one pot! If you can't find Chinese broccoli, see notes for how to make with other...
Recipe video above. Extremely hands off, foolproof way to cook beef ribs - slow cooked in the oven in a homemade BBQ Sauce braising liquid until the meat...
Recipe video above. Everybody's favourite Chicken Pot Pie! A creamy chicken and vegetable filling with a hint of thyme, topped with puff pastry. The smell...
I've made a few paellas in my time. The biggest one was for about 800 people in a village in Spain and it was hard work, but an incredible experience....
Recipe video above. Tuna Mornay is how you elevate canned tuna above a glum pantry staple into a delish family meal! It's a tuna casserole pasta bake with...
Recipe video above. Chicken Pho (Pho Ga) - the little sister of famous Beef Pho, equally delicious but much easier to make! I call it the Vietnamese version...
Recipe VIDEO above. Just roll salmon in sesame seeds and bake - you'll be amazed how well it sticks! Served over soba and Asian greens with a fabulous...
Crispy chunks of deep-fried battered chicken in a sweet, sour, and savory glaze packed with sesame flavor. The Chinese take-out classic, made in your own...
Recipe video above. Slow cooked chicken with ultra tender flesh and outrageous crispy skin smothered in a gravy-like sauce that's lip smackingly delicious....
Recipe video above. A quick healthy dinner with more veg and less pasta, all made in one pot! For a lower cal option, skip the cheese and serve with parmesan...
Recipe video above. A big juicy pot of beef and rice loaded with Mexican flavours! The rice is tender and perfectly cooked, and the tomato sauce is generously...
Recipe video above. The essential ingredient for a great Chop Suey sauce is Chinese cooking wine. All Chinese restaurants use it! See notes for subs if...