Juicy and tender shrimp with crispy snow peas in a refreshing and healthy gingery sauce. It's a comforting Chinese takeout dish you can whip up quickly...
This classic shrimp boil contains fresh shrimp, potatoes, corn and sausage, all boiled in a flavorful broth. An complete meal in one pot that's perfect...
Tender, fall apart chunks of beef with mushrooms in the most incredible gravy ever. The secret ingredient - Dried Porcini Mushrooms! They add a savoury...
Recipe video above. Ground beef cooked with seasoned rice and plenty of veggies - kind of like a pilaf or fried rice! This dish is not spicy - the cayenne...
This creamy pepper pasta with steak strips is the ultimate comfort food recipe. Tender strips of beef cooked together with mushroom, red onion, cream and...
These Taco Sloppy Joes are the perfect mix of two dinnertime favorites! They are quick, easy to make, and a total crowd pleaser. Load them up with your...
This tri tip marinade is a blend of olive oil, herbs and spices that produces a tender and juicy tri tip roast every time. You can also use this flavorful...
Katsu curry is just a variation of Japanese curry with a Chicken Cutlet on top. I have used a store-bought block of Japanese curry roux, which is commonly...
These Persian Chicken Breasts are quick and easy, making an exotic yet comforting dinner, perfect for serving with some jeweled rice. The chicken sits...
We love this spinach and mushroom lasagna. This keeps incredibly well - it might even be better the next day. To keep things easy, we take advantage of...
Matar paneer is a delicious dish made by cooking paneer & green peas in spicy onion tomato masala. This recipe will give you restaurant style creamy &...
A recipe for Älplermagronen (Swiss Alpine Macaroni)! Layers of pasta, potatoes, cheese, and cream are baked until golden, topped with caramelized onions,...
A tasty recipe for Singapore Noodles! Stir-fried rice noodles with madras curry powder, vegetables and your choice of chicken, tofu or shrimp-a Chinese...
Puerto Rican Chicken and Rice is a Latin classic and packed with flavor, not heat. Browned chicken simmers in rice, flavorful sofrito, olives and capers....
Lean, tender pork with spicy rice and lots of veggies - what more could you want? This is a scrumptiously simple family supper with big flavours that fulfils...
Your family will love this Umami Instant Pot French Dip (Pressure Cooker French Dip Sandwiches)! A mouthful of toasted crusty French Baguette, tender &...
Can't handle the fiery hot Indian curry? No problem. Try chicken korma, the flagship of Indian korma curry that tastes heavenly yet so mild that even kids...
This delicious homemade Salisbury Steak recipe is classic comfort food that takes less than 30 minutes to make! Easy to make in one skillet, this hearty...
This pork stroganoff is the best kind of comfort food! Tender pork, cooked with mushrooms and onions in a creamy sauce. It's delicious, filling and completely...
An easy recipe for boneless baked pork ribs, using country style ribs cut from the pork loin. Cooks quickly with your favorite barbecue sauce, and is delicious...
This shish kabob recipe features tender marinated beef, peppers and onions, all skewered together and grilled to perfection. Shish kabobs are a quick and...
Black Bean Soup - healthy, hearty and satisfying black bean soup loaded with layers of flavors and a good dose of beans, sweet potatoes and other spices....
Wow your guests and make this Umami Instant Pot Beef Stroganoff! A satisfying mouthful sensation of tender beef in addictive umami sauce. Satisfying meal...
Make these Juicy Melt-in-Your-Mouth Instant Pot Short Ribs that will impress your guests! Fall-Off-the-Bone Tender Red Wine Braised Beef Short Ribs, soaked...
Somen (or sōmen) is a very thin noodles served cold which makes it a perfect summer dish. Noodles are served in chilled water and the dipping sauce is...
The Best Tuna Casserole is SO easy to make! Made with a simple from scratch sauce, egg noodles, tuna, peas and a crunchy Panko-Parmesan topping, this comfort...