This perfectly tender and juicy whole oven roasted chicken gets brushed with a fresh lemon rosemary garlic butter and stuffed with aromatics for extra...
There is nothing more classic than delicious baked pork chops with cream of mushroom soup. Make it in an oven safe skillet for a fast and easy one pot...
Crispy Homemade Taquitos (also called Rolled Tacos) made with seasoned shredded beef corn tortillas all of the best toppings. They can be baked or fried...
Asian style stir fried garlic chili shrimp or prawns is juicy, spicy and sweet. Often in Asian cuisine, shrimp or prawns are cooked as a whole that have...
Salmon Wellington is an easy but impressive recipe you can prep ahead for entertaining. Salmon wrapped in puff pastry with spinach, then baked until golden,...
My Grandma's Baked Stuffed Shrimp recipe is a delicious New England restaurant recipe that dinner guests always rave about! It's buttery and perfectly...
The Pastitsio (or Pastichio) is a famous Greek pasta bake with a spiced meat sauce and a silky béchamel. It's ideal as a delicious Sunday dinner and it...
Cook like Chinese restaurants with this easy stir-fry sauce recipe. Choose any combination of meat and vegetables to make consistently great-tasting homemade...
Lemon Chicken in Dill Cream Sauce is a 30 minute meal you'll make over and over again. This baked chicken in lemon cream sauce is so flavorful and tender,...
Chicken Marinara Bake is an easy, family-favorite dinner featuring chicken breasts baked in a flavorful marinara sauce and topped with melty mozzarella...
With store-bought pesto, cherry tomatoes, leafy basil, and thick sliced fresh mozzarella, you can make this chicken caprese, skillet dinner in under 30...
This tuna noodle casserole is the absolute best with no canned soup, just a creamy sauce, egg noodles, green peas, and flake tuna, all topped with melty...
This 15 Minute Beef and Noodles Skillet recipe is perfect for those busy nights when you need dinner quick. Ground beef and noodles with a creamy, cheesy...
Fork-tender Mexican Shredded Beef is easy to make and flavor-packed! In this slow cooker recipe, succulent, juicy shreds of beef are braised in a savory,...
Long a star on Camille Orrichio Loccisano's traditional Italian-American Feast of the Seven Fishes table, these stuffed squid were also a hit at her restaurant,...
This Garlic Shrimp Stir-Fry with Peppers & Onions is fresh, fast, healthy and seriously easy to make! Add snow peas if you are a fan of them, but it's...