Eggs in Purgatory is an easy Italian dish that uses basic pantry ingredients and takes less than 30 minutes. This recipe allows two eggs per person - you...
This Weight Watchers Tuscan Chicken Pasta is an easy weeknight meal! Make this WW dinner recipe in the Instant Pot, Crockpot, or on the stove. Blue, Purple,...
Quick Canned Tuna Spaghetti, a fabulous dish that is ready in about 30 minutes. It might be simple to make, but it's jam-packed with fantastic flavours....
Delicious, moist and tender baked cod is topped with a wonderful lemony, buttery topping. The topping is mild enough so that it doesn't overpower the...
Chicken Tequila Fettuccine with creamy tequila jalapeño lime sauce, pasta, bell peppers and red onions is one of the most popular entrees at California...
Say hello to your new favorite calzone recipe! Stuffed with juicy, flavorful Smithfield® Anytime Favorites™ Diced Ham and gooey cheese, these delicious...
This recipe works with any sort of waterfowl. Domestic ducks typically serve two to four. As for wild birds, a mallard, canvasback, redhead, gadwall or...
This creamy, comforting and delicious potato pasta is your midweek lifesaver: a few basic ingredients, less than 20 minutes of prep time and $1 per serving....
Quick and easy, this weeknight Spinach Pasta is tossed in a garlicy olive oil sauce and flavored with lemon, za'atar, red pepper flakes, and a generous...
Nothing beats a good smoked brisket and this dry rub smoked brisket recipe is no exception. If you are a fan of smoked meats like I am, you're going to...
Whether you roast Beer Can Chicken in the Oven or sear it on the grill, this Beer Can Chicken Recipe is moist and flavorful on the inside with a seasoned...
I love Thanksgiving leftovers even more, because I get to make these amazing and delicious Cranberry Turkey Salad Sandwiches. They are so easy to make...
Paprika Roasted Cornish Hen with Vegetables (carrots and sweet potatoes) - a delicious way to prepare cornish hen. Great recipe for the Fall season, Thanksgiving...
One-Pot Leftover Roast Chicken Pasta, a quick and easy chicken dinner recipe for the whole family. Transform your leftovers into a spectacular dish that...
Chicken Paprikash, a classic Hungarian dish, is one of those meals that warms your body and comforts your soul! Made in one pot, it can be on the table...
Grilled shrimp. These shrimp are marinated in a garlic, cilantro, lime marinade. Then grilled over charcoal to give a wonderful smokey flavor. This recipe...
This Hatch Chile Chicken Corn Chowder is silky, smoky, and hearty. It pops with a little heat from the chile, a little sweet from the corn, and smooth...
A budget friendly meal that costs less than $2 per serving! This recipe is Whole30 and Paleo compatible, and you can make it in the Slow Cooker, Instant...
Maple Glazed Oven Baked Chicken Thighs - A bit of maple syrup sweetness, a little Dijon mustard kick, and a whole lot of fresh herbs combine to make the...
This spatchcock chicken recipe in the oven turns out perfectly juicy every time, with super crispy skin. Learn how to spatchcock a chicken step by step...
Creamy Pork Chops With Mushroom Gravy features juicy, full-flavored, perfectly cooked pork chops smothered in a rich and creamy homemade cream of mushroom...
This sweet and sour shrimp recipe is made with crispy shrimp, colorful veggies and pineapple, all tossed in a homemade sweet and sour sauce. The perfect...
Marinated in saikyo miso and baked to perfection, Black Cod with Miso (Saikyo Yaki) is a beautiful seafood dish that you can pull off at home. With its...