A perfect summer salad to share with friends and family over a picnic or for dinner. This whole food lentil salad recipe is super easy to make, plus it's...
This lentil salad is very simple and yet very tasty. It is perfect for picnics and summer gatherings. If you grow fresh herbs and tomatoes, it will come...
I tried to duplicate this light, refreshing salad that my Tunisian in-laws make. I put my own 'twist' on this with the addition of lemon zest. Using colorful...
This is a delicious salad or side dish that may be kept for up to 3 days in the refrigerator, if covered. Just moisten with additional salad dressing when...
Great side dish. French lentils (also called puy lentils) have a wonderful earthy flavor. You can't substitute regular green/brown lentils. They are expensive...
Hearty and delicious way to serve green lentils - onions make it sweet, almonds are for texture. YUMMY! Soaking the lentils the night before may help with...
Although 'creamy' tells us it probably isn't healthy, these combined healthy ingredients provide a creamy texture that I just can't resist. After wanting...
With the rising prices of meat and my pocket book getting smaller and smaller, I have started to experiment with lentils and beans. It's cheap, easy, flavorful,...
Steamed lentils mixed with a chimichurri sauce. This recipe, I discovered, is quite good in many ways. It is a favorite in our home on baked Yukon gold...
A perfect summer salad to share with friends and family over a picnic or for dinner. This whole food lentil salad recipe is super easy to make, plus it's...