These crispy-edged flatbreads are made from chickpea flour, water, olive oil, and salt and served with a burst tomato-chickpea sauce along with feta and...
When working with a large quantity of greens, it's much easier to sauté them if they're blanched first. Their time in the olive oil is more for flavoring...
This is a tasty dish. Between the kale, the rice, and the squash, it's chock-full of fiber, antioxidants, and minerals. And the nutty, salty Pecorino Romano...
A mixture of savory miso and nutty tahini adds a creamy richness to this filling vegetarian soup. A good dose of ginger and garlic, plus a few drops of...
This vegetable-packed soup is all about layering powerful flavor-enhancers: bacon, tomato paste, herbs, peppercorns, a Parm rind, and, of course, kosher...
Chef and cookbook author Joshua McFadden's justifiably famous kale pesto inspired us to keep spreading the word that there is still no better or more delicious...
This big batch of tender roasted kale can be kept in the fridge and added to meals throughout the week. Toss it into salads and stir-fries, stir it into...
The transformative power of our new favorite seedy, spicy, crunchy, garlicky oil is on full display in this dinner of simply seared scallops. A couple...
No chopping required for this weeknight dinner. Just blend spinach, kale, basil, and garlic with feta, cream cheese, and olive oil to make a fresh, rich...
The benefit of skirt steak is that it's leaner than many other cuts of beef, plus it's high in the mineral zinc, which we need to keep our hair, skin and...
This pasta is a complete revelation. The sauce is magically made from the pasta water and tomatoes as the pasta cooks-all in one pan. No fuss, one pan,...