Panna cotta, a molded chilled dessert popular throughout Italy, is easy to make and can be prepared in advance. It looks and tastes wonderful with ripe...
A triple layer of crumbly crust, a truffle-like interior, and an almost patent-leather-shiny glaze make this tart the chicest take on chocolate we've come...
Below are two different ways to make this delicious caramel spread: One is more classic-cooking down milk and sugar-but it requires a fair amount of attention...
Of all the ways to prepare shrimp, the grill delivers the best flavor. Although unadorned "shrimp on the barbie" are great, an easily assembled gingery...
This thick, glossy sauce makes chocolate syrup taste ho-hum. It's wonderful on the Frozen Chocolate Caramel Parfaits or poured over any flavor of ice cream...
Though pierogies are a classic Polish dish, food editor Paul Grimes had them every Easter at his Russian grandmother's house. Pierogies are satisfyingly...
It just wouldn't be a holiday without my mom preparing a pasta course, whether it precedes the turkey at Thanksgiving or follows antipasti at Easter. My...
A crumbly slab of Cheddar is a centuries-old accompaniment to a slice of apple pie; it imparts character in a way that a scoop of ice cream can't hope...
For decades, the restaurant Lutèce-with chef André Soltner behind the stove-was the pinnacle of French cuisine in New York City. Soltner's Alsace onion...