We love spaetzle! Kind of like a pasta similar to Gnocchi. We serve spaetzle with lots of real butter and I love to add just a shake of garlic powder,...
This honey cake is a great dessert for dinners surrounding the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah, but also just for a tasty honey cake any time you want...
These German almond cookies are dairy free and gluten free and are baked during Advent in preparation for Christmas. They are quick and easy to make with...
This is a german recipe from Horst Mager from the Rheinlander, Portland, Oregon. There are quite a few old german recipes that list salmon as an ingredient...
As a soldier during WWII my Dad learned to make this hearty pork dish from a local German woman during the Allied occupation of Germany. I don't know the...
This is the best tasting, easiest prepared springerle recipe I have baked over the past 35+ years. I use a springerle board for ease, vs. the rolling pin....
Mmmm!! This German dessert is my boyfriend's and my favourite!! It is bread like with a sugary-almond crunchy crust and a vanilla pudding filling! MUST...
I have searched far and wide for a recipe that mimics my favorite, store-bought version of these cookies. I think, after days of thrown-out cookies, I...