This beer marinated chicken with spices and lime in the marinade keeps the chicken drumsticks so juicy and tender all through the grilling that it's hard...
These Loaded Cheese Fries are guaranteed to be a crowd pleaser! Crisp french fries loaded with hot Italian sausage, jalapeños, red onions, green onions,...
We love how the maple flavor pairs with the pork and thyme here, and its savory sweetness also helps the chops caramelize as they cook on the grill. This...
They are served with my favorite avocado salsa and topped with a creamy sour cream and cilantro sauce. The sour cream sauce is the perfect sauce for these...
Baked meatballs aren't very exciting, but with golden, crisply melted cheese on top they are transformed into an elegant entree. The meatballs are so moist,...
Pampushki are starchy morsels usually served with soup, such as Borsch. What's unique about these is that they are made using both mashed potatoes and...
Everyone's favorite side dish, now deep-fried! This is a great accompaniment to any dish you would serve with potatoes, or as a party appetizer with...
Did you forget to pick up the BBQ sauce for dinner? No worries, with our Grandma's Best BBQ sauce, you will have the ingredients in your pantry. A sweet...
While the chicken bakes for a fairly long time-an hour to an hour and 15 minutes-in the brief time it takes for your oven to preheat, your chicken can...
I doubled the recipe here and I show you how to clean and prepare fresh calamari. Remember, never fry squid over 2 minutes. I used a Cajun seasoning in...
A recipe by Vegetarian Times: "You don't need red sauce to make a great pizza. Paired with a parmesan and mozzarella white sauce, broccoli and cremini...
These quick, easy and delicious Buffalo Chicken Fries are sure to be a new family favourite! Crispy fries are loaded with even crispier bite-sized chicken...
Fire up the grill and get the drinks on ice! These grilled flank steak quesadillas are perfect for a summertime lunch or dinner. Slice up and season your...
The shot clock's ticking on your hunger. What's the best play? Chicken Fajita Tacos with Avocado! Tuck some spicy chicken and Oaxaca cheese into a tortilla...
These deep fried pickles are an addictive finger food perfect for any get together you're hosting whether it's game night, movie night or cocktails with...
Sometimes you just need a burger - and sometimes you just need a Barbecue Bacon Cheeseburger. 'Nuff said! Bacon infused burger - not topped, not crumbled....
These BBQ Beef Ribs are simple and will bring together all the honey, mustard, and hot sauce lovers. Full of flavor these ribs just melt in your mouth!...
The nachos cheese sauce takes 5 minutes to make and will take your nachos to the next level, ensuring even coverage of cheese goodness over every chip!...
Give these delicious vegan wings a try-- I promise they will taste JUST like the meat version. The seitan chicken has taken me roughly 2 years to perfect....
Braciole are a family favourite from southern Italy. Tender veal steak stuffed with salty prosciutto, cheese and fresh spinach, these juicy parcels are...