Italians know it well, making gnocchi without the right potatoes can be a key for disaster. Imagine making gluten-free paleo gnocchi that are potato free...
Thai food is one of my favorites. The way they match all those amazing spices and flavors creates true masterpieces in the kitchen. I can barely contain...
An elegant, savory, and surprisingly easy way to prepare a vegan tofu dinner. I was served a similar dish at a very high-end restaurant, and decided to...
This is a delicious spin on the carb-rich dish we all love, shrimp and rice. It's a great combination and I'm here to share my healthy keto-friendly spin...
Spaghetti squash is an excellent healthy alternative to standard pastas, and is flavorful enough to stand on its own without a heavy sauce. Top with a...
These delicious cupcakes are a nice alternative to traditional pumpkin spice muffins and have a much sweeter, lighter pumpkin flavor. They are made with...
I came up with this recipe after making pumpkin puree and seeing the container of peanut butter on my counter. With the yogurt and milk added, it's a creamy...
One of the most fabulous one dish meals ever! Eggplant baked casserole style layered with seasoned vegetables and Swiss cheese. Bread, a green salad, wine...
How to Make a Simple Melon Starter. This simple melon recipe is versatile can be made in advance of a dinner party and can be served as either a refreshing...
A nice twist to an Italian casserole. This is one of those meals I made with the ingredients I had on hand. My family loved it and had me make more. I...
This recipe is a Southern favorite. Try it; you won't regret it! This recipe is perfect for any occasion and has more nutritional value compared to most...
Even if you don't like pumpkin pie you will really like this one. Its an old, old recipe, but good. It is a 1950's recipe of my mothers. For a beautiful...
More nutritious than an ordinary cake and very simple to make. This is an orange and black treat! Decorate spookily! Bittersweet chocolate chips can also...
My two friends and I went to Salem, MA last year and had a ball. We went to a restaurant and had a 'pumpkintini'. Ever since, I've been experimenting with...
This is a wonderful recipe for late summer when you have an abundance of ripe garden fresh veggies. It's a great main dish or side dish that even the picky...
This recipe was given to me by a very sweet friend of mine who is 86 years old. My children (6 of them) love this cookie. Frost with a powdered sugar and...
This is a delicious pumpkin pie that is suitable for every vegan rule. May not be the best for regular eaters because they're used to different kinds of...
Start enjoying those wonderful fall desserts before Thanksgiving with this ice cream made from a surprisingly sweet squash variety: acorn squash. The flavor...
I adapted this dish from a vegan umami cooking class I took one night last year. Pretty purple eggplant rolled with vegan cashew cheese and pesto, and...
If you like spice cake, this is very good. Even if your family doesn't like pumpkin, I promise they'll never know there's pumpkin in this delicious cake....
We call this a boost bowl because it is packed with vegan/vegetarian fuel, giving your body a break from animal protein. If you've been slacking on your...
A simple recipe for homemade gnocchi. Perfect for the pumpkin-everything time of year! An extra hand in the kitchen can greatly reduce the prep time. Top...
Intensely fudgy. Can use different seasonal kisses to add a holiday touch. Lower fat and can't be anymore quick and easy to satisfy that chocolate craving....
These are amazing little appetizers. I make them for tailgating, cocktail parties, or sometimes just as a snack for my daughter and her friends for a sleepover....
This recipe is one of many I have discovered to utilize the bountiful eggplant crop my garden has produced this year. The kids will even love eggplant...