Make an irresistible dinner (or three!) with a slow-cooked pork shoulder that has the perfect flavors for a cool evening. Use this recipe to make Open-Faced...
This shrimp recipe from Emeril Legasse is super simple and comes together easily-the lemon juice and herbs really put it over the top. Serve with corn...
This reinterpretation of meatballs combines breakfast sausage, cheddar cheese, and onion for a very flavorful holiday appetizer, enough for a crowd of...
This Greek-style dish can be assembled and then frozen for up to three months. When you're ready to bake, it can go straight from the freezer into the...
It takes only 30 minutes to make a steaming bowl of this satisfying and comforting chili. Cannellini beans and ground white turkey meat are two healthy...
This chocolate-centric creme brulee retains the creaminess and caramelized-sugar topping of the classic version. Though caramel and chocolate are considered...
Shopping for shortbread cookie ingredients couldn't be easier. In fact, you probably already have most of these on hand. Shortbreads are most popular around...
Don't even think about throwing out your broccoli stems. Use a mandoline to slice vegetables into planks, then stack and slice crosswise with a knife for...
This basic marinade imparts a bright flavor and keeps meats moist. It's perfect for grilling and also enhances the flavors of fresh vegetables, tofu, and...
Simply stunning for spring, prep the tart dough in advance for this make-ahead recipe. Next, create a jammy filling made from fresh rhubarb, strawberries,...
We loved this recipe with halibut steaks. You can also make it with salmon steaks or Pacific cod. Serve this healthful, clean-tasting main dish with asparagus;...
Brined to retain moisture, then basted with butter and wine while roasting, this turkey, the centerpiece of the Thanksgiving meal, is golden and juicy....
For tinted cookies, add drops of gel-paste food coloring once the flour is incorporated. If you'd like to try a variation, see what ingredients to add:...
No-bake, vegan, gluten-free-this decadent dessert has a lot going for it. Dark chocolate is layered with a crunchy-chewy mixture of walnuts, dates, and...
This is the easiest cheesecake to make-it takes just 15 minutes to assemble and doesn't require a water bath. When berries are in season, you can serve...
The whole-wheat and olive oil crust for this savory tart is based on a recipe for crackers. The real surprise here is the addition of tahini in the crust;...
Ready-made horseradish can be bought in any supermarket, but when fresh horseradish root is available in early spring, prepare it yourself -- the fresher...
Luscious flourless chocolate cake is a staple dessert for people who follow a gluten-free diet. Many of these cakes rely on butter for richness, but the...
Beef simmered with garlic and peppers in a thick tomato sauce makes for a warm and satisfying dinner. A slow cooker turns a less expensive cut of meat...