In this doubly lucky dessert, two Rosh Hashanah favorites-raisin challah and apples dipped in honey-come together in an ambrosial brown betty. Top it with...
Hearty and full of rich, umami flavor, this stew straddles the line between filling and heavy thanks to healthful ingredients like lima beans, butternut...
This Water Bath Canned Vanilla Spiced Pear Butter is easy to make. Jars of Pear Butter make excellent homemade gifts for teachers, friends, or neighbors...
Because a spaghetti squash is difficult to cut through when uncooked, we found that roasting it whole is the easiest way to prepare it for this spaghetti...
Try this savory homemade pizza from "Everyday Food: Fresh Flavor Fast" for a fun way to get kids to eat their vegetables. Also Try:Individual Pizza with...
This vegetarian main is packed with nutty farro and the earthy sweetness of seasonal golden beets and butternut squash. Top it off with creamy goat cheese...
Cooked in an Instant Pot or pressure cooker in under an hour, butternut squash takes on a velvety texture and mellow sweetness that blend well with the...
The same brine and spices are used for the cucumber, carrot, and beet variations, so it's easy to make a batch of pickled vegetables or just one kind-or...
Instead of plain-old mashed potatoes, look to vegetables like roasted butternut squash and carrots for your holiday-or even a weeknight chicken dinner-side...
For a rice dish made for fall, add butternut squash to a combination of water, unsalted butter, and ginger and watch as it boils and bubbles. It's super...
A hearty whole grain with an unmistakably buttery flavor, golden-colored kamut berries are an excellent source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Try...
This recipe for delicious chocolate leaves is from Stone Barns pie-baking contest winner Lauren Amsterdam and her son Ty. Try these leaves atop Ty Amsterdam's...
Try this sophisticated take on spaghetti squash when you need a gluten-free dinner party side. Tossing the squash strands with brown butter and topping...