Layers of sauerkraut, corned beef, Swiss cheese, rye bread crumbs, and Russian-style salad dressing make up this casserole version of the deli sandwich...
Pastitsio is a layered Greek casserole of macaroni and seasoned ground lamb, topped with a thick cream sauce. This version substitutes beef in place of...
This Rigatoni al Segreto recipe was the most closely guarded secret at Gino's, one of New York City's most famous Italian restaurants. When it closed,...
One of my earliest and most vivid food memories was when my uncle Bill would make his famous dried Italian sausage every Christmas Eve. They'd be fried...
This recipe features the devilishly delicious shrimp fra diavolo, or 'shrimp brother devil' if we are being literal for comic effect. It's really good...
This recipe was shown to me by my Sicilian employer years ago in Lynchburg, VA. It is made from scratch with tomatoes, onions, peppers, wine, and seasonings....
Briam is a traditional Greek roasted vegetable dish with potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes, and red onions with lots of olive oil. It is a typical example of...
This Portuguese chicken can be baked or grilled. You may double or triple the recipe (or more if required) for bigger batches of chicken. An easy recipe...
This is the real deal, direct from my Hungarian descendants. These yummy, delicate cookies are just the right amount of sweetness and are absolutely addicting!...
This is a very versatile Italian sausage which can be used in many different ways. You can take it from mild to hot and it's very easy to use. There are...
Halupki, also known as stuffed cabbage on the Russian/Ukranian side of my family, is a dish made of rice, beef, and pork encased in cabbage drizzled with...
An Italian version of stir-fry, this tasty dish mixes cubed, boneless chicken and penne pasta with red and green peppers, garlic, tomatoes, oregano, and...
Pork loin becomes tender and delicious cooked slowly with sauerkraut and caraway seeds. This gets raves from my German father. My Irish husband loves it...
This is a very easy recipe that I learned when I was living in England. Note that Beef Wellington should always be served with the center slightly pink....
This easy, best chicken Parmesan has a crispy crust, juicy interior, zesty marinara sauce, and a crusty golden layer of gooey cheeses. It is served with...
For something that looks and tastes as impressive as this beef rouladen, it's actually one of the simplest stuffed meat recipes I know. You can pretty...
This is a classic Italian sub sandwich with three kinds of meat and provolone cheese. The kind you get in a mom and pop pizza joint. You'll be glad you...
This is a very special old Italian dish that warms your stomach, as well as your heart. It is a labor of love, but worth every bite! You can also use half...
This is an awesome recipe for banana peppers stuffed with an Italian sausage mixture and baked in a delicious tomato sauce. We get requests to make them...
This is a very simple meal to make. You just throw everything in the crock pot and let it cook during the day. I like to serve this over thin spaghetti...
Sometimes called veal Marsala, this is the classic Italian dish made with thinly sliced veal scaloppine. A recipe typical of Sicily, where the best Marsala...
This is a family recipe that's been made at Christmas time by at least 4 generations. This year will be the first for number 5!!! 'Bubba' brought it with...
Basic Gelato Recipe...from my Italian mother-in-law. This recipe may be used as a base for your favorite flavors. Try adding vanilla, shaved chocolate...
A really quick, easy sauce for 'pasta asciutta,' which means 'dry pasta.' It's not a dish over-loaded with sauce, but one that appreciates the simple smokiness...
This rich meat, spinach and cheese filled manicotti dish is covered with white and red sauces. I offer this on the catering menu at my catering company...
I found this recipe on and tweaked it a little bit to suit our tastes. I love the addition of the olive oil to the dough. Highly reccommend...
If you haven't tried this classic holiday dessert because you thought it required advanced baking and pastry skill, then get ready to buche up this Noel,...
This is my mom's special homemade lasagna recipe with made from scratch tomato sauce and delicious, cheesy filling. I have found none better anywhere....