This simple Chicken and Noodles recipe is filled with chicken, noodles, and lots of veggies to create a creamy, comforting, classic dish that the whole...
Vegetarian or not, you're going to want to make these wildly delicious Veggie Wraps. Crunchy, fresh veggies, spices and cheese are all wrapped into a flour...
Frozen cheese-filled ravioli brings this lasagna to the dinner table in 45 minutes - a spin on the Italian classic featuring spinach, pesto and jarred...
Ready to learn how to make authentic falafel from scratch? My family's secret recipe for the Best Authentic Falafel, made with chickpeas, fresh herb, and...
From Betty's Soul Food Collection... Nothing beats a warm, nourishing pork stew on a cold winter's night. Our quick recipe takes it up a notch, with a...
Super tender, perfectly spiced braised lamb shanks and vegetables in a rich red wine sauce. Cooking lamb shanks is easier than you might think. Simply...
Only one thing can make a hot dog on a summer afternoon better and that's if it's wrapped in bacon. Bake them in the oven and they're ready to top with...
Plan ahead and put this party-ready casserole in the freezer for your next big get-together! Once it's thawed, top with tortilla chips, and bake for a...
Facing another weeknight packed with activities, rush hour headaches and must-do chores? Get dinner on the table fast with these easy Mexican stuffed chicken...
61% less sat fat • 50% less fat • 25% more calcium than the original recipe. Reduced-fat ingredients helped cut the fat, while green chiles boost the...