A make-ahead version of an Italian classic, these cooked pasta shells are stuffed with hearty beef, ricotta and mozzarella. Make a double batch and keep...
The Best Classic Shepherd's Pie - AKA Shepards Pie or Cottage Pie. Ground Beef (or lamb) with vegetables in a rich gravy, topped with cheesy mashed potatoes...
Good news! You don't go through all the work of making a bacon cheeseburger and fries; you can enjoy that classic flavor by pulling together a few simple...
Pierogi-hearty, potato-stuffed Polish dumplings-are the heart of this easy casserole. Start with frozen pierogi, then add cubed ham and a deliciously simple...
Chicken cacciatore-or chicken in the style of the hunter-is a warm and hearty stewed dish from the Italian-American culinary canon. This dish typically...
Creamy and cheesy, this homemade mac and cheese recipe is just the ticket for traditional comfort food, but with lots of mix-in possibilities that help...
Our easy Slow-Cooker French Onion Soup is a fantastic winter meal made with little cleanup. How do you make Slow-Cooker French Onion Soup? Start by lining...
In need of a quick dinner fix that doesn't skimp on deliciousness? We've got just the thing! This easy pasta takes advantage of three convenient, weeknight-friendly...
Bold and comforting in the best way, puttanesca sauce takes a few pantry staples including: canned tomatoes, garlic, olives, capers, and anchovies. Spaghetti...
This easy, cheesy chicken casserole packed with creamy queso rice, green chiles and taco-seasoned chicken breasts will be an instant hit at the dinner...
Do something different on burger night...go Greek! These Greek lamb burgers are juicy, flavorful and super easy to make. The secret is in the meat mixture,...
Ground beef and zucchini make a great pairing is this surprisingly light casserole. There's enough creamy cheese and orzo pasta to make this taste indulgent,...
Don't go out to eat-rival your favorite seafood restaurant by making these sensational shrimp at home. To make them extraordinary, serve with Hollandaise...
This cheesy Mexican-inspired taco casserole is a simple freezer-friendly dinner you can make ahead of time and heat up later. This recipe also includes...
Make a large batch of these meaty and cheesy lasagna rolls, and freeze them to help make quick dinners on busy days. Get a quick start by using Make-Ahead...
White beans, Italian sausage, spinach and tomatoes make a flavorful and surprisingly sophisticated casserole. Casseroles might have a humble reputation,...
Does the pizza delivery person know the route to your house by heart? With this easy recipe, you can bypass the pizzeria and pull together a piping hot,...