This easy baked side of salmon gets cooked in a foil packet with lemon garlic butter and tender herbs to create a simple and delicious foolproof weeknight...
This delicious pulled pork pasta recipe has great flavors in every bite! It's hearty, easy to make with leftover pulled pork, and comes together in 30...
You'll love these stuffed peppers, prepared Greek-style and stuffed with a perfectly seasoned meat mixture with rice and chickpeas and fresh herbs. You...
Chicken and rice are classic partners, and in this version they get an Italian twist. Chicken thighs are cooked with a flavorful tomato-based rice, spiked...
Italian Beef Braciole, typically called involtini in Italy, are little packets of meat stuffed with a cheese filling and simmered for hours in sauce. They're...
With the addition of classic ingredients like pesto, prosciutto and mozzarella, you can elevate a traditional chicken sandwich into an Italian work of...
Succulent shredded beef is like money in the bank when it comes to dinner. It means you can go from a burrito to pasta to sandwiches in the blink of an...
One of my favorite restaurant-style dishes will always be stuffed flounder. And It's easier to make than you think. Why not turn dinner into a special...
This delicious slow-cooker tenderloin dinner is accompanied by an irresistible bacon and mushroom gravy, wonderful for serving on top of pork and mashed...
Skip your standard recipe, white chili is totally worth your while. Made with chicken, white beans and broth, this version is amenable to whatever heat...
A new Stuffed Pizza option for your menu means loads of possibilities. Fill with Italian sausage, peppers and mushrooms or get brave and add in whatever...
This slow cooker chicken recipe contains chicken, sherry, lemon, garlic, and oregano. Enjoy this delightful lemon chicken with hot cooked rice or angel...
Stunning to serve and deceptively easy to make, a pork crown roast is impressive. It's often available during the holidays (call your grocery store's meat...
An easy, colorful stir-fry with spaghetti squash noodles, flavorful tofu, and tons of fresh veggies! Just 10 ingredients required for this plant-based...
When you need to impress but you're short on time, our scallops are seared golden brown and served with a creamy, garlicky wine butter sauce. Ready in...