Breaded pork chops with mashed potatoes and salad (preferably a sauerkraut salad) is served regularly for Sunday dinner in Poland. Pound the meat as thinly...
This is a delicious Stroganoff that my Nana made all the time. My husband's favorite meal is Stroganoff, and before we met he never had homemade Stroganoff...
This traditional Polish cake is rich with poppy seeds and usually served for special occasions like Christmas and Easter, but it's wonderful any time....
These cakes are traditionally cooked and eaten at Russian Orthodox Easter to break the fast. Often accompanied by pashka, a sweet, fruity cheese. These...
This is a very easy way to make cabbage rolls. They taste great with little work involved. I'm Polish and love them, but this recipe sure beats the lengthy...
This chicken paprikash can be made either in an Instant Pot® or on the stovetop. No matter which method you use, it will be cooked in less than 30 minutes!...
This rich dessert is full of all sorts of wickedness, and is a bit labor-intensive, but well worth the work. Chestnuts and marrons glace are available...
This is a moist cake with a creamy flavor! We grew up with this, and it was a family favorite served on special occasions. This old family recipe has been...
Use homemade or store-bought apple sauce to make this easy Polish cake. I make applesauce with cinnamon, which then in turn flavors this cake, but if you're...
This is a traditional dessert served in Russia. Cottage cheese is first sweetened with sugar, then kneaded into a dough with flour. The resulting disks...
This sweet sheet cake is a must in Poland on Easter. It looks beautiful with the flower decoration made out of 2 different colored jams and flaked almonds....
I can only attempt to spell the real name of this dish; Cabushka or something like that! My mother's father was from Czechoslovakia, and he has three sisters...
Summer is the time when we can forget about tinned fruit and canned preserves, and can finally enjoy the full, rich flavour of fresh fruits. This is a...
Being Russian Mennonite, I grew up eating Verenike (Cheese Pockets). I recently was given this great recipe for the slow cooker so I don't have to spend...
This is an authentic Russian beef stroganoff recipe made with sour cream (in Russia we use smetana) and without mushrooms. It is very simple, but this...
This recipe combines sage sausage, cabbage, and noodles. Simple and DELISH! This is my husband's grandma's recipe, and my husband's favorite. I couldn't...
Similar to Russian rugelach, rogaliki are a traditional Polish sweet, a mixture between a pastry and a cookie. You'll love the soft texture and jam filling....
This traditional Polish babka is a cake perfect to enjoy with an afternoon cup of tea or coffee. My version is made without yeast. It's a moist and dense...
These traditional Czech no-bake filled cookies are usually made around Christmastime. They're made with a wooden or plastic beehive mold, but it's possible...
Stuffed cabbage rolls are very popular in Russia and are a staple in people's diet, especially during the winter months. This version is stuffed with rice...
Rassolnik is my husband's favorite soup. It is usually prepared with meat but because almost everyone in my family is vegetarian, I make it with mushrooms...
My Czech grandmother thought up this recipe a while back. It's great because you can make it with a variety of glazes and/or fillings which you can adjust...
Also called haluska and haluski, this simple fried cabbage and onions with noodles arrived in America along with the immigrants from central Europe whose...
In Russia people use tvorog for the pastry, but you can substitute it with farmer's cheese or even ricotta. It is filled with a delicious apple-sour cream...