If you wish to impress guests, try this recipe. It's a classic recipe and it is NOT difficult to make. The ingredients are freely available. Just keep...
I saw this recipe in the Epicure section of The Age newspaper and it looked really impressive. I haven't tried cooking it yet but am waiting for the right...
Skip the mess and time of making duck confit the hard way. With our easy method, you get mind-blowing results from nothing but duck legs and salt in 2...
Well it's one of the must of the French gastronomy and will be on most of the Christmas table families. It's very easy but we warn you to handle the liver...
Phead = Spicy; Ped = Duck; Yang = Roast Roasted duck with red curry is a meal the Thai people usually have only on special occasions. You can find fresh...
After 40 years of recipe writing about other more elegant ways of serving duck I have now returned to this, the original recipe. If you think halfway to...