An all-butter pate brisee is the pinnacle of pie-making, rewarding bakers with a golden and delicately tender crust. Use this recipe as a crust for our...
This pie can be made up to two days in advance and refrigerated. When you're ready to serve, sprinkle with flaky sea salt, and if desired, garnish with...
This wonderfully whimsical cupcake recipe, perfect to make for a summer dessert, is courtesy of Karen Tack and can be found in her dessert cookbook "Hello,...
We used a fluted round cutter to make our design on this pie, but a hexagonal, flower, or oval shape would work as well. Dusted with powdered sugar before...
This recipe is a stone-cold project, but trust us--it's worth every step. Four layers go into a bowl: a no-bake cheesecake batter, a blend of freeze-dried...
A cobbler is a fruit dessert with a thick top layer of crust. In this version of the classic, spiced apricot wedges are arranged atop a toasted-almond...
The highlight of this lighter pie is the ethereal filling, which bursts with lemon juice and ginger and is topped by a swirly cloud of meringue. So help...
Use this moist yellow cake to make our show-stopping Dog Cake or Fish Cake. The important thing to remember is that you will need to make one recipe (which...
These light and delicate sponge-cake cookies are often used to accompany desserts such as sherbet and puddings, and are an important component when making...
Pavlova, an airy confection named in honor of Russian prima ballerina Anna Pavlova, consists of a meringue base crowned with fruit and capped with whipped...
You will need a nesting set of four to five heart-shaped cookie cutters for this recipe, ranging in size from approximately 3 1/2 inches to 3/4 inch (available...
Layers of meringue are adorned with raspberries, strawberries, currants, and wild blueberries -- nature's delectable take on the good old red, white, and...
One layer of this banana cake and another layer of Coconut Cake surrounded by cream cheese frosting and colored coconut flakes comprise the very special...
If you love coconut-chocolate candy bars, this may be your dream dessert. Ice cream coated in shredded coconut is served with bourbon-spiked butterscotch...
Chocolate fondue is immediately gratifying. In the time it takes to make the sauce, you can peel the clementine oranges. It's also a great reason to keep...