Let a graduate know he or she is congratulated and adored: Our standout chocolate sheet cake has intense flavor and a rich, dense frosting made from melted...
These cookies, pairing chocolate with cinnamon, take cues from classic Mexican flavors and go wonderfully with scoops of ice cream. You can also make bite-size...
Crackly sea salt, dark-brown sugar, and tropical coconut flakes are a stellar combo in this cocktail-hour popcorn; stay with the island theme by shaking...
These light-as-air almond macaroons are a perfect dessert for special occasions. The recipe comes from John Barricelli's "SoNo Baking Company Cookbook."Photo...
This classic southern cake can be over-the-top sweet. Enter coconut sugar, a sweetener from the sap of the coconut tree's flower buds. While it has no...
Only four ingredients are used to make the rich filling for our Haunted Black Forest Layer Cake-frozen black cherries, sugar, kirsch, and cornstarch. It...
These fairytale-inspired mushrooms look like they were hand-delivered by Snow White herself. While these adorable treats do take a bit of time and patience...
This flavored whipped cream is a breeze to make, which goes well with our Angel Food Cake. Cook the caramel cream in a saucepan and chill completely before...
This bittersweet treat packs the bold flavor of espresso in to icy crystals and gets topped with a sweet dollop of whipped cream for a refreshing granita...
This recipe for heart-shaped strawberry parfaits, from chef John Baricelli, makes a delicious Valentine's Day dessert. Note: Raw eggs should not be used...
Use this recipe to make our Meyer Lemon Crepe Cake. Meyer lemons are ideal for this recipe because they aren't too tart. If they aren't available, you...
Sweet croustades make delicious, elegant desserts; see how easy it is to make your own with this recipe from "Bake! Essential Techniques for Perfect Baking,"...
Abstract artist Karen Kimmel, featured in the January/February 2011 issue of Whole Living, says that her mother's dessert recipes are her most precious...
This Layered Fruitcake with Creme Fraiche Frosting makes enough batter for a three-layer cake; to make the towering six-layer cake pictured, make two separate...
These easy-to-assemble parfaits are a welcome ending to any fall meal. Spruced up with a citrus tang, cranberry sauce is layered between ethereally light...