Food editor Kristina Kurek mixed fresh vanilla bean seeds and citrus zest into a meringue cookie. The result -- a sweet, swirly cloud that tastes as good...
This basic recipe can be used to make one of two designs. The first is a shingled, layered crust formed from hearts made out of pie dough. The second is...
These silly sweets take their name seriously; from the book, Cupcakes!. Make these Hi-Hat Cupcakes for your next party and even the most discerning of...
Torrone is a nougat confection typically made with honey, almonds, and egg whites, pressed into the shape of a stick and eaten at Christmastime. Besides...
Carrot cake, naturally, is the foundation for our cotton-candy-tailed Easter bunny cake. Miniature marshmallows make fur that is inexpensive, easy to apply,...
Chocolate and nuts are the defining duo of Derby pie, a Kentucky classic. To keep this pie in the Southern state of mind, sorghum syrup is used as the...
Innocents are snared easily by a ganache spiderweb. Spun by a gumdrop spider with limber licorice-string legs, the web is draped over a dangerously addictive...
The texture of semifreddo (Italian for "half-cold") lies somewhere between ice cream and mousse. Slice this freezer treat for a neat presentation, or serve...
The word affogato means "drowned" in Italian. Complete any meal with this elegant -- and easy-to-make -- dessert. This recipe comes from Everyday Food,...
This spectacular cake is practically foolproof to make. You slice a variety of peeled oranges into rounds, nestle them in a butter-rum glaze in a square...
An easy, spiced fruit dessert with buttered breadcrumbs or cake-crumb topping that turns golden brown as it cooks, that's a betty. No one seems to know...
This family-friendly dessert is a kosher take of an ice cream sandwich with layers of matzo crackers spread with ganache and mint chip and chocolate ice...
The key to good rice pudding is its texture. So for the best rice pudding, cook it slowly. Overcooked pudding will have the texture of a solid mass rather...
Use this recipe to decorate our Sugar-Coated Marshmallow Bunnies and Chicks, Chocolate-Coated Marshmallow Chicks, and Flat Marshmallow Shapes. While not...
For popping kernels, follow instructions on package, or use 12 cups plain popped microwave popcorn (without salt or butter). Also, try substituting other...
A gelled confection made with coconut milk and studded with dried papaya and Maraschino cherries evokes both retro 1950s desserts and the Victorian-era...
Stack them high! Place a mound of these Hazelnut Shortbread Balls in your favorite serving dish, place them at the center of your table, and watch them...
For busy bakers, icebox cookies are indispensable: Whenever fresh, warm treats are called for, these orange delights can be popped into the oven for an...