Chocolate cupcakes finished with a sugar glaze and piped chocolate web makes an excellent Halloween party dessert, and when arranged in concentric circles,...
Noted chef and author Diane Kochilas prepares a delicious Greek Easter feast that includes this phyllo pie. Trahana is a traditional Greek buttermilk pasta;...
A blueberry-studded triple-decker cake is decorated with swirls and rosettes of frosting flavored with black raspberry jam, followed by a tumble of fresh...
Warm cake topped with melting ice cream is a traditional endnote to a special occasion. And every spoonful -- with a bit of chocolate and a bit of vanilla,...
This easy-to-prepare cookie was inspired by the penny-candy-store lemon drop. The candied lemon peel, available at specialty-food stores, adds a lemony...
After you cut out the hearts, roll the brownie leftovers into bite-size morsels. Once coated with cocoa or sugar, they resemble truffles. You'll get about...
Making piecrust can leave a cook feeling like a magician. Combine flour, water, and butter with just a bit of sugar and salt and -- presto! -- the result...
Nothing jump-starts a little soirée like an over-the-top pour-and it doesn't get any merrier than this heady, Caribbean-inspired cocktail of black spiced...
In this patriotic confection, three classic treats are combined into one delicious dessert. First, bake two thin cake layers in sheet pans, then spread...
With its luxuriously rich filling and real-fruit topping, cheesecake commanded a relatively steep price at 20th-century diners. One bite of this classic...
Steaming is the the traditional way to cook one of these English cakes. The batter and jam are put into a heatproof bowl, then topped with parchment and...
Chilled in a loaf pan, three ice cream flavors -- vanilla, chocolate, and pistachio -- layered with crushed chocolate-sandwich cookies form a classic frozen...
Press this macaroon mixture into mini muffin tins to create bite-size baskets for your favorite Easter candies. For a chocolate version, fill each basket...
Just when you thought you'd tasted everything possible in chocolate chip cookies? Using a little buckwheat flour in addition to the usual all-purpose and...
Giving fruitcake a winter-white coat transforms a humble classic into an upscale dessert. In it is a flavorful array of golden jewels -- dried pineapple,...
For this pie's crumbly crust, Gabrielle Langholtz uses lard rendered from farm-raised pork. For a similarly memorable pie, use leaf lard; it comes from...
Talk about an American beauty! Mixed berries and whipped cream help this golden sheet cake hit all the right red, white, and blue notes. It's just the...
When it comes to all-American desserts, this towering chocolate cake takes, well, the cake. For best effect, set the whole cake on the table, and slice...
This caterpillar, made by arranging cupcakes in a curve, makes a memorable arrangement for a baby's first birthday. One jumbo cupcake is used for the head,...
Juicy blackberries lend sweet-tart flavor to this mint-garnished summer dessert; red wine spices up its fruity taste and adds depth. Choose a full-bodied...
Food editor Kristina Kurek mixed fresh vanilla bean seeds and citrus zest into a meringue cookie. The result -- a sweet, swirly cloud that tastes as good...